A Man Needs Woman to Help Them Not Hinder


The struggle on the mind of (Black American) (African American) (Native American) and men in general is a heavy one. When I see some of the things that I see. I hear some of the thoughts that that come from women nowadays that are at times beyond reasoning and troubling. And if you’re a man who’s also able to see.

Or kinda get the feel to where I’m coming from then, you have to really start asking self some questions. Like “What the hell is really going on” when it comes to some of these women out here in society. Some of the one’s on, and offline who are showing to clearly be outta control. Let them tell it “Women” nothing is wrong with talking to a man recklessly.

They run man off

All that OVERLY aggressive acting tough and trying to go up against a man getting all in his face. Trying to spit on him, putting their hands all in his face moving around all wild and talking loud, but saying nothing. Not only that, but also have shown to be so mentally outta control to the point where. They’ve even shown to have overthrown the dude’s position that their dealing with.

Clearly making him look like a straight sap, simp, wimp and soft in the middle man. Now, is this true? Well you tell me! are there not women (Black American) (African American) women, and women of other creeds too. But right now, I on you the one’s running around on the loose acting WILD throwing they’re weave around super loud.

Talking about pop a bottle and or blow one, fighting and teaching younger girls by they’re actions. That this is the way? Have you not witnessed some of these women especially on videos on these social network sites like (Facebook) and (YouTube). They would use as an excuse “Doing Them” straight cutting up?

Show to learn well but who is it helping

Yes, you clearly have, but some of you guys look at this type of behavior (Carnal Minded Mental Slave Mentality). To be all good, acceptable “Gangsta” “Boss” “Hood” “Down @#% chick” and so very attracting. To the point where you excuse it, and allow it to go on. But here’s the real reality to this acceptable madness and everybody are entitled to their freewill.

To feel like they can do whatever the hell they want, make an @%# of themselves in public. Just so long as you are not causing lose, harm and or infringing on someone Else’s space and property. But with this entitlement does that mean that you just loose yo damn mind while your at?

Well, I don’t hate to break it to ya, but some of them are doing all of the above. And even worse, it’s causing men to get either hurt, they hurt someone, and or even kill or get killed. All because of a women’s freewill and choice to feel like she can say and do anything she pleases. She has a man who she can send off and gone and take it for the team.


And you wanna know whats worse? She’ll be off to the next dummy who will bend to her horrible ways and will in thought. Now, there is hope and light at the end of this post tunnel. There are (Black Women) (African American) women who can and do show that there is a need.

What is needed that just might help

A need to work on their self, their mind state and are able to think better. To show to be and try to do better just by what is projected from they’re mind. And desires the same for man, and there are some women who are truly for and in support. Of some of us men who are showing through our actions mentally and physically that we too are making efforts.

Showing to improve in not allowing self to continue to be followers, clones wimps, simps, and soft in the middle. However, enough men such as self are naught supported by women especially the ones who are close as one should. Why is this? Kalamazoo Rap artist is touching the hearts of people with his music 4 the mind Well maybe, it’s because they’d rather support men who are not showing to elevate in mind, and appear to be that knight Thug in dressy armor

Something to think about

And to be honest, I think that it’s the whole attraction to the bad boy image thing. That’s clearly being projected by one favorite actors, stars, movies, music and the entertainment field. That plays a part in it especially right here in the united States of Northern America. Who wants to feel like they’re living a stale life and naught the American Free dream right?

So, to you the reader of this post whether you be man, woman and or both. How do you feel about this, is all the above true, feel like you can prove otherwise. And doso without getting out of character, over sensitive and willing to at least being truthful, and honest? Be honest with self for a change and quit making excuses to overlook what is clearly right before our eye’s?

Feel free to comment your thoughts about this ongoing reality that we all face In These Dayz Of Tyme.

When A Chief Speaks






Author: ZooRillah

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust. Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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