Do My People Really Want Things And Conditions To Change In Their Communities?

So this is a question that we all should truly be asking self. The reason why I am doing this post today is, because I actually question and challenge whether some of my black people in their communities actually want to see the conditions, and things change for better. Let me give you an example.

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I decided to make my way through the hood in Kalamazoo, Michigan’s (North Side), and while doing so, I ran into a familiar face. I asked him was there anything he wanted to say about things that he wanted to see change in the community so that, I could bring it up and touch on it. He said yeah, but then allowed himself to be distracted.

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Yep, he was on a mission, and if you from the way you already know what I’m talking about. So then, I asked this other guy: “What about you?” He started to slowly ease off, and then I stated: “You don’t have nothing to say?” He said “No” and slithered off, but hey that’s what it is sometimes, you can’t force change on no one, and your not suppose to.

I then went on my way, and continued upon my journey, and then ran into some other katts I knew, and it was a more constructive and positive energy from them. they were working hard and doing something that was of good services to the community. It was a auto repair shop that, I will be doing an article on soon, because I have something else that I want to do when it comes to brothers and sisters who are actually trying to build something, and whether they know it or not, I am in support of them.

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After chopping it up with them, I then continued on my journey running into some other familiar faces, and I ended up in Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial park where many of my people hang out that are homeless etc. As I approached them, I was greeted and honored, because I am very well known throughout every hood North, South, and the East Side. I found out some things as well as had an impact on some if not all of the people who were there, and listened to what I had to say. [spacer height=”20px”]

Esteem, I think that I was able to do this for some today with what I had to say. If you don’t know, esteem is also found in the Holy Bible, and what one should try to do. See, its one thing to esteem self, and another in taking the time to esteem someone else. don’t believe me?

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

And for me, to take the time to go and just make self’s presence known, and to let my people know that, someone cares. I care, and them knowing that, I haven’t forgotten about them I think means a lot not just to me, but to them as well. Before leaving the park, I let them know that; though they may feel as if they are alone in the fight they are not. And though they may feel less appreciated, know that it is just the opposite, they are appreciated, and I left. Upon leaving, I could hear one of the women say that: “I really needed that encouragement he just don’t know.” I smiled, and kept it moving.

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Anyway, I really just wanted to share today’s experience with y’all, and my point in doing so is not to just share the negative, but how important it is to look at both sides of things in life. No, some people especially those within the conditions of the hood don’t want things to change, but there are those who do. Do you give up on the hood, and those within the communities just because those who don’t want things to change? Not me, I’m working on some things, and like I told them, I shall return, and I don’t want them to get behind me, I need them to be right beside me.

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It didn’t take money, me dressing up, pulling up in a fly ride stunting none of that, it just took me, to come and let them know that, #TheArtist4thePeople is at work, and want them to know that what and how they feel about things do matter and count if they keep the faith, and find the strength to do something, say something and know that they are not alone.

And in all honesty, I can honesty say that, I feel that I accomplished what I had no idea was in plan for me today. I didn’t wake up and plan the mission that I was on, It would appear that, the mission was already being prepped for me to do, but it was on me to pay attention. See, the creator (God) is always mapping and planning things out for those who choose to take on the task by ones own freewill and choice. You don’t pick the task that you wanna do, you are picked for the task that you are needed to fulfill, but that’s just my opinion.

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Well, I think that I was able to do some good today, because something actually good happened to me, that has been really bothering me, and just when I thought one thing, it turned out another, in my favor and actually now a better situation than it has been these pass weeks, and that I am truly thankful for. It also lifted my spirit to know that I was able to lift anthers, and that’s what we should actually be doing if we want and need change are we not?

Well, I’m going to end this post, but I would like to know your thoughts on this post, and what you think it would take to change the conditions within the hood, inner cities living and environment of Kalamazoo. Feel free to leave a comment below especially if your from Kalamazoo, Michigan. Thanks for taking the time out to read my blog, and make sure to subscribe. Peace and many blessings.

When A Chief Speaks

Author: ZooRillah

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust. Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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