Does Black Lives Really Matter? How Valuable Do You Really Think You Are?

It should really cross your mind to how valuable you really are. #InTheseDayzOfTyme, I question peoples seriousness when it comes to life, morals, and their values.

Why am I saying this? I’m saying this, because of the acts that are being carried out that clearly show that, this may well be the case. When

I have to watch on the news or read articles about senseless, and tragic situations like 15 year old little girls can’t even attend family functions, and even be hurt, harmed and loose their life due to the ignorant and stupid stuff that nigga’z do, I have to ask the question.

First off, my mom told me about it, and then I went and read about it, and for a young child to loose her life all because these Negroes were asked if they could just slow down to prevent from hitting a child and or children, I truly have to ask the question does Black lives even matter to other black people.

I mean damn, REALLY? And you wonder why these people in powerful positions are trying to do what they are doing: DESTROY OUR RIGHT TO BE ABLE TO ABLE TO BARE ARMS TO PROTECT OURSELVES FROM FROM THE PREDATORY ACTS OF THOSE WHO INFRINGE.

That is what the #2A (2nd Amendment is all about, not being reckless with the liberties that one has.

It’s something how my people are destroying one another, glorifying and praising tools that weren’t even made by us.

We use what they created to kill off one another, and then when you’re caught with they’re product you have to pay the price for using it?

Didn’t think about that huh, but it’s true, but you wanna know what the saddest part of it is?

The fact that, black people are allowing self to be played on the board like a pawn messing over one another, so wheres the value in that?

We killing off one another, killing the innocent children who are supposed to be the ones who will make moves for the future, and they’re lives are being taken early due to nonsense, stupidity.

So, I have to ask the question: “How Does A Black Life Matter” when it’s your own that’s doing you in?

It’s a very hard pill to swallow I know, but that’s the picture that is being painted by black people daily.

It’s okay for us to kill one another, but when it comes to the police, kkk, Caucasian or any other race for that matter, that’s when it’s not okay.

How do we as a people expect these folks to take us seriously when there are issues within communities no matter where you are; when the acts of the people (Black People) who are in their communities are projected as careless by those who show to care less about themselves until they get caught up in these folks profit system, and now your in a position where they’re telling you what to do. Now who’s the master?

The boss? In control, and running things?

I just call it how I see it, and it’s just wrong. Can it change? of course it can, but it starts with you and I, it starts with not accepting and tolerating the nonsense that goes on within your community.

It starts with rebuilding the trust with the people who are close to you, and who are your neighbors, it starts with having the will and the courage to correct those who are in error. Well, isn’t that what happened in this case in Detroit? But hey,

I could be wrong, and maybe everything is fine, and it’s all just a figment of my imagination just running away from me.

Maybe, I don’t know what I’m talking about, but I do know this, I know what I read and right in Detroit, Michigan that little girl losses her life for nothing, and now a family has to live with the pain, sorrow, and grief for the rest of they’re lives with no relief.

Anyway, I just wanted to touch on this, and express myself and also see what others think about this situation, I’m a leave the link to the story below, and I would encourage y’all to really think about what I’m saying.

I would like to hear what others have to say when it comes to situations like this especially if your from Detroit, Kalamazoo and any other city throughout Michigan. leave your thoughts in the comment box below. peace and many blessings to all.  

When A Chief Speaks

Author: ZooRillah

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust. Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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