It is showing to be a proven fact that, the battle of the mind is more real than you could ever imagine and admit especially to self.
Let me give a good example. Is it naught true that just having to feel like people have done you wrong, turned on you let you down and betrayed showing to be less trustworthy and possibly did it with intent clearly is an unwanted one? What do I mean by that? I mean exactly what I said, and how I put it. Be naught mistaken by what I said and say:
“you will have those who you thought was real, really cool, down for you, solid, and trustworthy and then all it takes is a little push on one’s mind by simple misunderstandings, which then create big fall outs.”
You see it going on all the time do you? You probably just had one yesterday, today or even a week ago. Do you naught see this everyday? Do you or have you experienced this personally? I can’t speak for you, but I damn sure can speak for self. I personally have been through it, and I see it happening all the time. Lemme make self very clear. You gone have people in life who you will cross paths with you in time for whatever the purpose and reason set. And doing so, things will appear to be all good until? Situations pop, attitudes flair, differences project and then ego’s clash. Why is this?
Seems like a choice to me, in my Kanye West voice 😆 even though I been administering these type of thoughts for the longest, but naught to take anything from another man/artist, I’m just saying though time don’t lie, people do. So when you choose to look at what has been expressed above can you see now what the battle of the mind could possibly be? We go through this battle EVERYDAY whether you like and or feel like it or naught, you gone go through it. Why you may ask. Maybe it’s in order for you to see, and experience in order to grow in Mind, Heart Spirit and Soul. Or maybe it’s just because there are lessons in one’s own walk in life that need to be learned.
Either way, it’s all a battle. I’ve been campaigning this whole Battle of the Mind thought demo since 2009 up to now. And if you know or know of me, then I think that you would know why. Much of what you are seeing some of your people, and favorite rapper’s who you look up to, and support so proudly and willingly, and you care so much about are naught doing nor going through nothing that one hasn’t already expressed and shown and still showing to go through, and that’s the battle of the mind in these day’s of time.
All the hard times, all the reaching out for support for help, the encounters with police, and locked up shhhh…… especially when it comes to your children, I done been there, done that, Rilla. The experience of so-called friends abandoning ship, crew (Label and Friend Hopping) and turning on you, “Fried Or Foe, you never know until their actions show.” I know it and know how it all feels. The battle of the mind right? I would say so. So, the next question would be then…….. how do you fight such a fight? Good question if you are one (the reader) that decided to ask.
Clearly nothing that those who show to think and thought they had it all figured out, didn’t and don’t. I mean it’s sad when you have to continue to carry that feeling in thought to constant letdown by people who you invested time in and trusted only to be letdown, disappointed and betrayed. Why is this? Why do your own so-called homies, team, squad and whatever other label and title you choose to call it why do we see this taking place especially among st our people?
You would think that, the money, power and success would and supposed to aid and help, but it’s showing to be just the opposite. Look at what and how people act when they are able to cease the moment of opportunity (Position of Power) only to show to become corrupted in mind in the end. Am I lying? Call me on it then, but come correct and with proof in your so-called truth. People do this to one another, and then try to make un excusable excuses to why they did and or do what was did or done? Battle of the mind right?
These are just some of the many obstacles in life that many of us have, and or possibly will face especially if you are a rap artist, rapper, hip hop artist and whatever genre you decide to represent for. Be it your dealings in the street life, the music game or both, just trying to deal with either is a big task and you best be ready for it, or prepare to go through all that you are seeing taking place right be 4 ur eye’s.
Hopefully I was able to touch the mind, heart and Spirit of you, the possible visitor and reader of these thoughts I type. May you find something I have touched on, helpful, fruitful and will help you better see and deal with your obstacles and the battles that you may face in life and or in the music game.
When A Chief Speaks
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