Federal Indictment By Grand Jury For Man In Kalamazoo For Heroine Sales That May Have Caused Death

See, this is the stuff that, I be talking about. I’ll leave the link in the description. there is no need for me, to be considered as judging anyone when it comes to their choices. Look at how men, and women are allowing themselves to be programmed to think that DRUG DEALING IS SOMETHING TO GLORIFY AND PROMOTE. What the blind don’t realize is that, we are living in a new era, a new time and new age, and if you’re naught trying to figure out your true purpose, and or trying to work towards figuring this all out; these people (Law Enforcement) who are in control gone help you out.

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Take this situation right here. They’re saying this katt’s Man Faces Federal Charges In Kalamazoo For Drugs promotion and pushing of the drug Heroine as a product is linked to the causing of the death of someone in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and now he’s facing life in prison for it. And naught only that, but they also gone tax him 2 million for doing it? I don’t ask why, I just shake my head, and thank the creator (God) for the mind state that, I have today.

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The promoting of death that’s what I see, and that’s the thing to do in the eye’s of this generation. yep, there’s going to be those who might read this, and look at the news link and try to justify and make excuses, but I’m naught sorry to say, but there is no way of getting around the truth and it’s naught about knocking some bodies hustle either if that’s where some would love to take it, because to me that’s just a cop-out for justifying purposes:

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“If what y’all call hustling and getting money for gain and profit, and in the end results to someone or many people suffering and dying is the way you see to go to gain, then that is a gain and profit naught worth the chase, gain, profit or hustle.”

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People talk about they love they’re city and state, but yet turn around and aid and abed the fact that they actually show just the opposite. People wanna be seen as the king of somewhere, but depend on everything these folks have put together like the drugs, which are another mans mad scientist made creation, and what our so-called people have been taught to praise and rely on to feel like they have the power. Money and the power right? didn’t the Lox come out with that ft DMX? I thought a king’s title came by the people seeing one fit, and that the duties were to make sure his people were taking care of.

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So is the glorifying of pushing the product (DRUGS) in rap and hip hop music to blame? One could say yes, but at the same time say no. Here’s the thing people, In These Dayz Of Tyme this all about choice in the matter, and you either focused or you flat-line, and you can feel like you can do whatever you want to do, but in the end the results are the same.

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Someone with a drug addiction suffers by choice, people end up dying and people ending up locked up for possibly the rest of their life. Being an addict isn’t just an addiction to drugs as a user, you can become addicted to anything right? addicted to selling drugs maybe? I would say so. And it’s always been like that as far as I’ve known throughout history in Kalamazoo when it comes to the street life.

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I have a close friend whose like family to me, who fell victim, and is going through this same situation. Know what they gave him? 20 years of his life in time lost in the federal prison system for profit. No one wants to feel like they have to do without, but to sacrifice the life that was given to you all for the sake of an illusional image for so-called riches and a temporary fell good high of fame to me, is just naught a fair exchange, and I can witness to that.

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Anyhow, I just wanted to touch on this, because it is truly a serious situation, I mean come on now enough is enough of turning a blind eye to the real problems and realities that we all face if you live in Kalamazoo, Michigan and you feel as if this is nothing? Or you feel like that “This is normal, and that’s just how it goes in the hood?”A good excuse to dismiss the fact that, this doesn’t have an impact on you whether it’s directly or indirectly? I think you best naught continue on fooling oneself, because it does, it affects lives period, and families too.

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On that note, what are your thoughts on this? Feel free to comment on this if you choose, because it is something that should be talked about whether you want to or and naught.

When A Chief Speaks

Source: WWMT Kalamazoo Man Facing Life In Prison



Author: ZooRillah

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust. Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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