So, I have to really question what one is faced with #InTheseDayzOfTyme. Have people traded in real communication, and connection with real people for a replacement (The Artificial)? Why do I say this? Because there are those who supposed to be the real (so-called friends) show to be so over sensitive and over emotional that, when it comes to how one addresses situations; they tend to take in the thoughts that one projects on issues as a threat, and or make them feel as if you’re against them, and trying to belittle them.
But in all actuality, they are so low in their ability to be able to better analyze that they just can’t see the importance of seeing things from your point of view.
Here’s the thing when it comes to #TheArtist4thePeople, and man who shows to be able to think with reason. If I say something, and or post thoughts on how I see, and feel about the rotten mindedness that people project especially those who I know, and this gives you a perfect (In Your Mind) reason to naught like me, and distant yourself from me, but you claim to be a real friend of me, and or love and respect me.
It is clear that, YOU maybe the one with the problem, naught I, and you need to find the courage to address that with self, because if I say something, you best know that, I’m seeing something, and correcting those errors with yourself is what one should spend more energy and time on than being butt and mind hurt because of the possible truth that I may see?
Only you can answer that, and be honest with self while you’re at it.
This is called: “Growth” and with no growth in mind how could you possibly advance and elevate? Have you noticed this from those who are close to you or is it just me?
From what I know; real true friends, and those who say that, they love and care as well as support you don’t do real people like that, and I’m quick to call: “FOUL” on that fake shhh…. oon Rilla and ya outta law.
Now, if I’m wrong I’m wrong, and I invite anyone who challenges and to feel free to prove otherwise because I clearly know how to accept, and apologize to ANYONE and have because, I don’t go out my way to mess over and or hurt people unless they got it coming due to the hurt they caused me.
I handle my own, and I show continual spiritual growth, and development by ones actions. I know, and show how to communicate with people reasonably so long as your naught talking that nonsense ya feel me? i also found this video, which is below very interesting since you have millions on minds CONNECTED like a dope-fiend to crack when it comes to Facebook.
Check out, and ask yourself could this be true? “What Facebook Is Possibly Doing To Ones Brain.”
I’m finding that, some people just have allowed self to be trapped, and continue to lack in communication skills, but use that as a way to complain and make excuses for naught doing what they should want to learn how to do, and only tend to be able to when they are going through a thing in life, and have to find some way, and somewhere to release what they don’t really know how to deal with.
They have planted this thought in their mind that, they have it all figured out until tragedy strikes then they want to talk right? Have you ever had this experience with people? pretty sure you have, but I’m just voicing it in my own way as a artist.check out ZOORILLAZ song called: “Friend Or Foe”
I’m just starting to see that, some people especially those who are close are just users trying to rent space in one’s mind for free, and play on people, and have naught grown up in thought nor are they trying too.
To me, these are the signs of controlled and too busy being programmed mind of people who just haven’t figured it out yet, and it is naught for you or me, to force what they should want to already do especially when they have someone who is clearly seasoned in their life that is trying to help than hinder. Is this true?
Maybe, maybe naught, but here’s a Rilla thought for ya. when it comes to Facebook, I have to question who the f*** some of the mafas were before #Fakebook, and any other social platform, because this whole new online (I can be and do what I want identity mentality) is naught wussup.
There is nothing wrong with using your Facebook account for whatever you choose to use it for. However, it is also on you how you utilize this tool, because in the end, you are the one who will in the end have to be responsible for it, or you think you won’t either way, If you only know how to communicate with people behind the screen, but you barely can come up with anything decent to chop it up about.
In real-time with people outside of FACEBOOK, you clearly have some Un dealt with issues with self that, needs tending to especially when it comes to differences and personal problems that you air out in the public some, which clearly should be in the private, but that’s what some people have become accustom to doing.
I’m pretty sure people know why I do what I do, I mean they should and if they don’t then that is what this site full of content is for so there’s no excuse. But, there’s way more to it, and those who are naught at least trying to see then that is what one will have to deal with on their own. To me, when I see people who tend to show the actions that, I’m speaking on, it is an example of an attention seeking, lonely and bored a** individual who lacks any type of ability to really have good function in thought to build on, and that, I don’t hate to tell whomever decides to read this.
And in the end, it really just goes to show how the real connection with people is being replaced, because look at what it has come to. people who have traded in the truth (The Real Connection Divine) for a pacifier and playpen (Facebook) and other social platforms. Real friendships have been replaced, real connection has been replaced, real relationships have been replaced and it’s all by ones own freewill and choice.
I mean you have people now openly inviting strangers and or some people who clearly couldn’t give a damn less, but love the action and entertainment so they’ll pretend just to keep the bullshhh… fire burning. Is that real? I mean seriously, you can’t tell me otherwise, because all of this is being played out #Rightbe4UrEyez #CanUImagine?
But no ones putting a gun to a mafas head and forcing them to do it are they? Since when did any of the nonsense seen, and the things people do and the games that people play have ever been tolerated by a real mafa? When?
Now that things have become so free and open and acceptable one must now even question the whole freedom thing, because look at how people are acting In These Day’z Of Tyme, and abusing those freedoms! Naught only that, but this is a spiritual thing too, but people aren’t paying attention, and can’t when they’re mind is under siege so they gone have to learn the harder way.
But anyway, I just wanted to do a post on this serious topic that, clearly effects us all in some way. I speak based off my own experiences, and what i may see in real-time. This is how I feel when it comes to how people are showing to easily give up on other people, and betray those, and show dishonor, disloyalty and no respect to those who they claim are their real friends and that goes for these illusions that people call man and woman relationships.
People are pretending, and will fallout with you for the simplest stuff, but where there is true love, standing, communication and friendship, there is a real bond that is strong and everlasting by the connection made throughout time invested.
And if this bond is real, and true, which you find rare like friendship nowadays; then it would be hard for that bond and connection to be easily severed or separated, because of ones lack in ability to see how important it is to work on one’s mind state, and want to work towards meeting someone halfway who shows to give a damn about you. You know, the ones who show great potentials that they see within you, and try to help uplift you in hopes to bring balance? So that’s wrong for a man to want that huh.
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