So, did you see what really went down in Charlottesville? No? I mean really mafa; did you see what happened? I know you saw what you think you saw on the news, but there has been a lot of eyebrows raising issues that are being questioned when it comes to what really went down in Charlottesville, Virginia. Many are calling it a false flag event, staged, a hoax etc.
When it happened, I had done a post about it way before all of the speculations, and questioning started to pop up, which you can find here. “Who’s to Blame When It Comes to What Happened in Charlottesville”. And from what you will read is my thoughts on the whole situation without allowing self to get caught up in the web weaving of programming.
And then after more information started coming in, I decided to do a video on my take to what I seen, what was being said about it, President Donald Trump’s public statement and what I got from it, which now has reached over 1,000 views. But then, I found something else that to me, is very disturbing as well as disappointing when it comes to this new damaging evidence when it comes to this whole Charlottesville nonsense.
What you have below is part 2 to the first video which is called: “Here’s Some Facts to What Really Happened in Charlottesville” (Part 1) In reference to how it just seems that, Black people are allowing themselves to be used by partaking in much of this mess that we see that is going on.
Why are Black people so quick to subject themselves to showing to be exactly like, and what some of these Caucasian people already stereotype people of our pigment of skin color to be, have those who are running around talking about how racist the opposite color of people are, but in the same breath are our people showing to naught do show to be, and do the same?
The possible truth is just that, and the illusion minded living messy mindedness of our people who choose to do so are the ones who clearly show that, they could care less about the possible truth, and how their selling out affects naught just them, but others in-directly, but yet are the same ones who you see committing these acts and doing all the complaining at the same time.
These are the ones (Like the one who you will see in this video) are the ones who are and will make it more possible for what these people are trying to accomplish, which is possibly to gain control by suppression due to order out of chaos possible.
So, is this really the case you might ask? I’ll leave that to you to discern and come to a better standing to the questions that, you may have when it comes to all of this mental noise that’s going on when it comes to this protest, and rallies that are going on throughout the cities and states #InTheseDayzofTyme.
It is very important and should be that you be very aware to how your children are the ones that are being moved like pawns, and it would very wise for you to pay more attention to what is really going on and stop allowing your children to get mixed up in all this foolishness. It is your choice, your responsibility, and up to you to do your due diligence to work towards seeing better, in order to know better.
When A Chief Speaks
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