Has The World Went Crazy, Or is It The People In It?
When we think about all that is going on in the world today, the first thing one might find self saying is: “The world done went mad or crazy,” but if you really think about it, has it really? Or is it those of the world who have? Ain’t it something how the world catches all the heat, because of the people who are in it? But yet, we still continue to blame the world for all that is going on in it.
If you think about it, a lot that is going on is nothing new, it’s all been done before, and we tend to just repeat the cycle, whether it be good or bad, but that is just my thoughts on that measure.So, which is it, is it the world or some of the people in the world who have gone crazy? I say that it’s some of the people in the world why? Well I think if you really want the answer all you have to do is man and woman up and take that reality pill that awaits you.
I touch on things like this, because I know how important for one to think about such rather than easily dismiss it. People are quick to point the finger at the world without a second thought, because who wants to accept the responsibility for the acts they commit when they have a scapegoat? They have a way out, just blame the world for it right? To me, that is the lamest cop-out.
People want so much yet, no not how to even work with what they have now, why is that? I think it’s because some people think that the world and or the world owes them more, so they complain, and remain bitter, mad, pissed off, upset and vengeful towards others so they do things that they don’t want to be done to them, but it’s okay to do it to someone else, because some people; no A LOT OF PEOPLE are control nut cases who adopt other control nut cases ways.
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All of this bickering in politics, and the petty war stuff going on. the water crisis in flint that was clearly intentional. The propaganda, the lies, deception, embellishment, theft from the people, greed and lets not forget the planned agenda to place women in control, and enslave and or even extinct man. And this is just some of the things that are going on, and it’s all done by doctored up by man.
So where does the world place it’s bid in on being a part of all this madness? Well, it is said that this world is Satan’s, and from the looks of it; it’s showing to be exactly just thought.
But like a coin there’s a flip-side to everything in life. The good, and the evil, the ying and yang, life and death, positive and negative, and that alone is truth in itself. that is something that we all can not only identify with, but also relate to by experiences that we all face in life.
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It’s not really about whether I am right or not about the thoughts that I am sharing with you. What matters most is that, I am by my own freewill and choice thinking on a more constructive and balanced level to even kick what I’m kicking to you, because it’s not just me, nor has it ever been just me.
I just think about a lot of different things, and ways of doing things in order to better prosper as well as connect with people no matter the race, color or creed in hopes to not only be able to teach someone something, and even allow them to have an in-depth, and personal experience on my side rather than go throughout like assuming, and living out someone else s perceptions and ways of seeing and doing things in life.
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You wanna knowing something? When I see self, and how I operate when it comes to thinking, and the things that I touch on, I actually find myself asking me of the most basic, but very hard to answer questions.
And I also think that, people find me to be Unreasonable, and may even think that I intentionally try to give off this projection that, I’m better than them, and or smarter than them because I choose to be on the level that the Creator (God), and the Universe wants and needs me to be on, but I assure you the reader that, that is not the case.
I do and say whatever needs to be said, because it is on my heart to do so, and me personally I feel as if I am like a vessel navigating throughout these unpredictable sees in this world. And in these seas like the seas that we know of from a good movie that we might have watched their also will be pirates plotting and waiting to invade you, board your ship, seize and take control, and hold you as a hostage on your own ship, and may even make you walk the plank.
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And that is how I see this world we live in today, and that’s why I choose to use what once upon a time one was not able to do. This is why I exercise my freedoms, liberties, and rights. I don’t abuse and misuse what has been given, because that’s easy, it’s easy to do wrong, and hard as hell to do whats right and just. Doing so, keeps me humble and grateful for what I am able to do by the grace upon me.
There has nothing easy about the life I lead no matter my spiritual path, it’s always been a struggle, and throughout my struggle, I learned and I faced many obstacles, and gained much though my walk, which helped me gain the leverage in my mind state that clearly shows my ranking in knowledge, so why wouldn’t I be proud of that achievement?
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“For wisdom will come into your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul; discretion will watch over you, understanding will guard you.” Proverbs 2:10-11
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So, just that quote alone speaks a power in itself that only who has experienced such could see, feel, comprehend, and see this as truth for the only truth is through you, but that’s my philosophy. I see, and learn in a way that is quite different from the average, and apparently by design and chemistry this was meant to be for a bigger, and deeper reason than just me.
Being Divine is an honor in itself for me, knowing that I was possibly chosen for fulfill the task placed before me in life alone is something that I choose not to sleep on.
There is so much more to things in this life, and many of us are not able to see, and it’s for a reason. Some people have not worked hard enough on thinking beyond a base conscious level, nor have they paid much attention to the basic instructions laid.
Instead they choose to ignore, they choose to overlook, they choose to be hard hearted, they choose to repeat bad histories, they choose to be everything that is actually a test placed in one’s life in order for you to either choose to be and go one way or the other. It is up to oneself to find a way to bring balance in oneself s life, and that in itself is like walking though hell, barefooted on hot coals, now that’s hot!
But by our own freewill we choose to do so, but it is the experience that helps as a tool to mold you, everyday that you awake it is your choice to whether you will be molded for better or worse. you wanna know what I realized about some of what I see in the world today when it comes to people? They don’t want to feel as if they’re being forced to do something, but there are also those who want and or need to be told what to do can you see where I’m coming from? Some people can’t stand to be corrected yet, they want to try to correct.
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There’s something else that I noticed to though. A lot that’s going on whether you and I want it to or not must go on in order for there to be balance in all of this; things had to happen in order for us to know so that we can learn and hopefully re shift, and or realign within ourselves not only dealing with personal things with self, but also be able to allow the works to be seen through self in order for other people can see the questioned truths that are clearly Divine.
I know that, I tend to lose people sometime with my way of breaking the logic’s down to what I speak on, but I look at like this; if it’s meant for you to know, and or for me to give you the answer to something you will receive it, but that right there is part of what I’m talking about, some people have been conditioned to wanting things to come easy especially knowledge and standing.
People nowadays are showing to be over sensitive, you even seeing it in the whole political presidential race, and debates the nominees have. look how Donald Trump, Mark Rubio, and Ted Cruz are acting. Trump and Cruz are acting like High school children talking about each others wives, I thought public was public and private was private? but the thing about it, even High school and college student don’t even do what those two been doing.
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Now ask your self, when has that ever happened in history with other presidents who were serious, and in the best interest of showing why they should hold the responsibility and powerful position and title as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA? See, some are scared to death to touch on the political issues, but always want to talk about whats not being done right.
I use to fall for that crap and brainwashing that I should not pay attention to politics. No! Not anymore, I wanna know whats popping, because it’s not just about me, it’s about giving a damn, paying attention to, and hopefully being able to figure out what and how you can have a say so, why? Because you live here, and you have children and family here so why wouldn’t you?
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“My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” John F. Kennedy
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Anyway, I’m about to end this post, but I hope that, you as the reader whomever you may be shall find what I’m touching on interesting, and even learn something. I also touch on a lot more through my musical artwork so if or when you have time check out some of my songs, and listen.
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Songs like: In These Dayz of Tyme I paint the picture for you to be able to think about what I am saying, and even though I’m speaking on some of the whats going on in Kalamazoo, Michigan, it really doesn’t matter where you are if can relate, you can relate just that simple.
So, on that note feel free to enter-act with me by discussion, and or commenting on this post and any other one of my post and or articles. No, I’m this blog pro, but I’m learning because I know the power of this great tool.
No, I may not have to best looking website, but it’s mine, and it shows my will, ambition and determination to reach-out beyond in hopes to connect with others, learn from others, and at the same time people can know that, there are artist’s such as self who are offering more than just an opportunity for you to listen and hopefully buy my work.
But here’s the thing with that, I would prefer it as you supporting my work by Donation to my cause, so if you choose to support me and my work if you like what I produce then that is truly love, and I would really appreciate it, because this is my time that I am spending and utilizing wisely rather than be out begging, doing drugs, stealing, robbing, dealing drugs and possibly even hurting someone for my own selfish benefit.
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I know that, there are many out here who are running these lies, and sneaky SCAMS, but not I. How can you not want to support, and be a part of an artist’s working that are Divine? I can bag up any and all that I do, and what I do, I do in the hopes of getting the right people to connect with me, chop it up with me, see and help me with my vision, and start backing up artist’s like me, cause we do need help, I NEED HELP, but I need the right help.
Are you who are reading this right now one in a position to do some good for others through me, and my work? Reach out and contact me, and let’s discuss it. You may have some ideas that will accommodate an artist like me. You already see the potentials right?
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Do you want and need some of the same change that I strive to show and help these misguided children out here in the world to want and need to see? We want our children to act and do right, but yet they are fighting a fight with the wrong way of fighting.
These children are truly lost in a very thick sauce, and if they are not taught and given some type of hope that they can come to afloat, then they will hit the bottom and mentally drown to a by exile to self. Alright gotta go, some of the good things that I strive for awaits. Make sure to comment, and subscribe to my list to stay updated and SHARE!!!!. Peace and many blessings.
When A Chief Speaks
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