I find it very interesting how some tend to show, and think that what I say and do whether it be projected through the workings in my music, and or on and off social networks is something that should naught be taken seriously. Let’s be very clear, I do it all, because for one, I’ve worked hard enough to be able to, and two, I’m just a recording artist who shows to give a F***. If you think I do this for fun, and or for attention purposes due to a feeling of boredom like I find many saying, you clearly are mistaken, and apparently you haven’t taken the time time to thoroughly dive deeper into my post, my music and thoughts for that matter.
Whether you may feel as if I’m on point or naught, or even see it fit for you to see anything that, I project relevant enough to even take and or give the time of day to just interact with me, that is your opinion, and choice. But here’s what I am starting to realize even more. No matter what I may say, and or do; people gone see what they see, and feel like they can do whatever the hell they want to do. People gone fret, complain, B****, be mad, pissed, angry, ugly, horrible minded, act a a**, make all the excuses in the world except find the right one, gossip, be nosy just to say that they know, belittle, and talk about someone else just to make themselves feel like their curing that miserable mindedness that they themselves are having major issues dealing with “Especially On Social Networks Like Facebook, and Twitter etc.”
Am I lying? Am I touching on something new? I think naught, but if you know this, and you are one of those type of people who are willingly doing so; then do I really need to ask you why? It is no damn secret that, people “Especially When It Comes To My Race” apparently have some major issues that we are naught concerned with trying to figure out how to address, and deal with without it always coming to the means of conflict, confrontation and violent acts carried out on one another without no real reasoning for better solutions to problems where we have to live. So instead we would rather throw (issues with self) on the back burner, run, hide and hopefully throw this carnal mindedness off on somebody else by pointing the finger any and at everyone else except being brave enough, and finding the courage to take a better look at self, and ask: “Am I working towards being and doing any better than those who I spend and invest time in the throwing of stones at someone else?”
Am I lying? For me, this is much of what I am seeing and whether you can see or naught that these are some of the major issues that are going on throughout “EVERY BLACK COMMUNITY IN DAMN NEAR EVERY CITY AND STATE WITHIN SEVERAL STATES UNITED.” But right now, I’m speaking on two places in particular; that I am rooted in and that is: “Chicago, Illinois and Kalamazoo, Michigan.” What I do, I do for these two great cities and states that clearly have history with one another both good, bad and ugly. And if you are paying attention, you will see that there are some really ugly things going on right now in both, and it should bother you, I know it does as far as I go, why? Because, I’m just a underground recording artist who gives a F***, and I have my reasons what about you?
Am I lying? Ask yourself, because no matter what I say, there are going to be those of you who gone naught like, and gone feel how you are going to feel, and that’s your business, but if you are fed up, then you know that, what I am touching on is real. So, as a underground recording artist, I say what I say within my musical artwork, graphic artwork that paints a blunt reality picture, and try my hardest to be that change in this world that one would like to see by doing exactly what was asked of me, in hopes that you are able to see, if you are taking the time to seek. But here’s what some of you would rather do, you would rather support those rappers/recording artist, and mainstream rappers/recording artist and even those who are naught involved in the music like these mask wearers out here (So Called real Katts) who tend to whisper and or yell sweet, and sour nothings in ya ear all because that’s what you want to hear right? Am I lying? Tell me, that’s naught what is being seen and projected #RightBe4UrEye’z and the thing about it, you have naught even a clue to what’s really going on, because this is an example of what we are all facing In These Day’z Of Tyme, the Battle Of the Mind, and many are just more acceptable to bulls***, but then turn around and complain need I ask you Why our people do this?
I could go on and on, but I’m naught, I just wanted to express self, and make self very clear to why, I choose to say, and do what I do when it comes to this music, and even make time to do these post on my blog as well as anything that, I may say on these social networks. I’m pretty sure y’all see that, I have music online that you can purchase be it automatic download, and or you can just email me or call and I’ll send it via email if you feel safer donating to my work, because yes it does take fund to do what I am doing, and the creator (God) has been truly working threw those who help me, to keep my site up and running in order to do what I am able to do, and that’s keep bringing y’all knowledge and Music on and offline.
And if you chose and or are considering to support my work, I would rather consider what you give as a (Donation), because I’m really naught into all the selling. (It’s naught just about the money, because clearly you can see that money isn’t saving, curing nor helping in the situations that one faces, and if anything those who do have plenty of it, aren’t making things any better for you or me, now are they? And what they do tends to only be temporarily for themselves, am I lying? In the song In These Day’z Of Tyme, I give a thorough breakdown lyrically voicing how I feel about it, and the love that I have for Kalamazoo regardless to what I have been put threw, whether it was encounters with the police (KPD) and or ones dealings on the hood/street life tip, in the end, it was me, who put myself in it and threw it so I take the good with the bad and keep it poppin’ and movin.’ Rilla.
I’ll also add this, it’s something how those who this city, (Kalamazoo) and State (Michigan) has been known to welcome those with open arms giving and providing opportunities of living, better housing and even finances as well as HOPE for you, and your families that just seems as if some really don’t even appreciate. You were given a safer environment than the one prior, and only you know and can relate to this if you are honest with self. But now, you have those who actually LIVE in Kalamazoo who now have all of the most negative things to say about Kalamazoo, but must have forgotten about what and who helped them in they’re time of need to get where they might be now in life without even saying: “Thank you people of Kalamazoo just for the little it may have helped with.”
Anyone of you care to speak on why? I’m all eye’s and ears, and clearly know how to agree to disagree, because in the end for me, this only tends to shows those type of people’s ungratefulness, and Unappreciative ways, and now look at all that is going on in Kalamazoo and now y’all don’t feel safe, and it’s F*** Kalamazoo, and it’s time to leave now, because it’s getting so bad AFTER the fact that, you just may have and or be one of those who show to be acceptable to the unacceptable? Is this the truth? Ask yourself, because no matter what I say, there will be those of you who will try to find a way to justify this nonsense just to try and make an excuse to feeling however you gone feel for whatever the reason. To me, that’s a cop-out, and it don’t make nothing any better.
And let me not forget about the whole Tellamazoo phrase, and that the feds are here that, I see poppin’ right. LoL People act like this is something new, it’s naught. But the thing about it, it matters naught about the feds nor how many names y’all make out of a city, because of the acts that are clearly done naught by the city, but those within the city itself; they are the ones who are placing themselves in a position to be told on are they naught? And now that these agents like always are able to show who really running it tends to have the same katts in the streets who feel like they have it all figured out caught up with their life and freedom at risk and stake. You know, the ones who y’all just love to praise, because they’re getting money. So tell me, what does the money, fame, cars, and clothes do for you when them agents (Feds), (KPD) and (Kvet) come for you? Were they warned?
“A dude you hung with, he flawssin’ a boss whip, Stay fly all the time as he stack his chips/who’s known throughout the city to flip them whole ones and bricks.” “Suspects”
Hmmm…. Is this song I did on the same shhhh…. some are so concerned and magnetized to when it comes to the feds snatching katts up in Kalamazoo? Here’s a clue, nothing new, no mystery to the repeating of history. So, I don’t entertain nor waist energy by getting caught up in all the talk and gossip, I just see it for what it is and do what I’m doing now. Don’t get it twisted, I knock naught ones means of trying to have something, but don’t expect me to condone nor support it, because is it naught the drugs that are also a part of this? I’ve come a long way, and though I am naught perfect, it doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t strive towards perfecting in what, I do and how I do it. So, those of you in Kalamazoo who may take the time to read this post, I hope that I have better clarified any assumptions to why I am #TheArtist4thePeople who tend to show that they are for me. And though I may naught be one of your favorite Rap and Hip Hop artist, because I choose naught to be, and act like some of your favorites, just remember even some of them might be inspired by me, they just might have a problem with acknowledging it. Possible? Maybe, maybe naught. What matters is: “Am I failing on my duties to deliver what “I Was Sent” to do, and that’s elevate you and I welcome you to be a part of growing my fan base, and support group.
I’ll end on that note. So what are your thoughts on what I’ve touched on? Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong in anyway, but make sure that you come equip with your proof, because assumptions have no standing.Make sure to check out some of the songs, and thoughts on my blog I’ve done, and feel free to like, comment your thoughts and share what has caught your attention, and what you found interesting in my knowledge and music. Don’t be afraid to support those recording artist who are really putting in work for the creator (God), because you should be able to tell the difference, and through that difference comes a choice. Support my work if you and find value and worth. Peace and many blessings.
When A Chief Speaks
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