So I found this article ran through heavy in regards to the woman y’all trust and supporting who shows to want to win, and fit into “A life of hardships and struggle forced upon our people” so bad that she go as far as to appear on the famous and very well-known Hip Hop radio talk show called: “The Breakfast Club.”
And what does that have to do with this situation with her father Mr. Harris scolding her you probably now asking? Well, after getting wind of her response to the question to whether she smoked weed, he wasn’t thrilled nor happy about it.
As a matter a fact, he was very upset and offended by if I’m naught mistaken. He basically said that, loved one’s who are no longer here are probably turning in they’re grave after the Jamaican joke. And then to make it worse, she seasoned the whole thing with Lawry’s seasoning of deception and lies.
And there’s other lies too, but we gone stay on topic right now. So, after reading what I read, and how hurt, and disappointed this man was by the choice made by his daughter to do what she did. One would have to raise the question to why someone who has been chosen to be a running mate with another well known lier, which is Jim Crow Super Slow Joe Biden?
Both have something in common? I would say so, but think about it. Are people really showing to be that slow minded and sleep to what is Right Be 4 Ur Eyez?
See, this the problem I have with naught only these two, but also people who will blindly choose to support, be brainwashed and vote for people just because they wanna chase and ride that temporary feel good wave of hate of those who just know how to react, but refuse to think first.
So it’s like this; here it is you have Kamala “Trying To Be Too Cool Harris” who is a VP nominee who naught only pretends and lies…. But also never allowed it to cross her mind to how her father would take her response being that ALL elders and those who are very passionate and serious when it comes their native roots?
I guess I say all this in hopes that y’all will see where I’m coming from, and why I’m doing this post. It’s naught because I’m riding the hate wave and just downplaying her and just don’t want her to succeed.
If either showed to naught be liers, and deceptioncons; I wouldn’t mind considering showing my support. But to keep up the mind games using the skin tone of our people, and the weakness of our people for political agenda and gain? And then on top of that play with her family culture like that tells me even more about her. So tell me, if she went that far what else would she naught care about doing if she reaches the oval office?
Hit the link below, and checkout the article for yourself, and let’s see if you’ll find a reason to have a change of heart, and possibly vote as well. Way too much is at stake y’all to be allowing these DECEPTIONCONS to try and play on you only to possibly sellout and destroy what what and who they really don’t care for or about anyway. Us, and this country.
When A Chief Speaks
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