Knowing The Difference Between Who Shows To Really Be For You

Press Play And Take A Listen To #IWasSent

💨 Sent to do what!? That might be that question that one would ask self. Well, as a man/artist thinketh, I find self only having a vision. One of how there are those in life who are important to me, if only I was in a much better position, which I so show to work hard towards reaching daily to be in. A position where I would be able to help those who truly show are in need, and worthy. There are those who I think about who truly deserve my support, but when when reality kicks in, and you know your own life situations that you are dealing with. And if your life is as stretched out as much as mine; that clearly is shown. I’m always left with that lingering question to self: “How the F___ can I?”
I was sent only to bring the possible, and tell it like it is… be it by and through one’s intellectual, or messages within the gospel. But then I take a very good look at other people who project that they are in a VERY GOOD positions to do much, but yet those type do naught do as I strive to find the will to do. Sound confusing to you? Or are you able to see where I might be going with this.
I must make it very clear to how I strive daily to project through my ethics of creative workings to reach goals in hopes to be able very soon, to show how important things are that I touch on, because when you know how it is, you know how it is….. And knowing shall give you either the feeling to give a damn about other people who you say you give a damn about, or it won’t.
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Ask self: “What are people who you look up to, and praise acts show? Ask self and even count how many times people have shown to flat-out just let you down. Is it safe to say that the feeling of abandonment, betrayal, feeling turned on is naught a very good feeling? Is yes, then is this naught what you clearly are seeing these dudes and dudettes making it look really good with the talk, but show otherwise? You have those who are making it like money and power is the magic pill for the ongoing problems with these temp together we family, we this or that only to be disappointed by those same people who promo’d that deceptional messy mindedness. Who really shows to have you in your time of need? Is it your favorite celebrity? Rapper? Entertainer? Who?
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What I would encourage as I always do is for one to start taking a better look at those who say they love you, care about you, pretending to be down and there for you unconditionally? And this is especially for these children (YOUR CHILDREN) and even mine who are suffering mentally from a lot of this, but yet never ask yourself are you really supporting those who you say that you love? How much do you really like and or love your friends and that goes for shaky ways of so-called family too on and off Facebook and or online social networks.
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I also found something very interesting. “Is Facebook helping you to like projected face (Ego’s, Attitudes and illusional make believe), only to unlike God? 😯 Meaning, one’s faith is being replaced. Click Here to read more —> Are You Allowing Facebook 2 Help You In Killing the Faith? Do you show to be more or less connected socially with those when offline would be the question for you. How does it feel to feel as if you’re being replaced?
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Hey! I just challenge it all, because when you know better, hopefully one will choose to see things for what they show to be, and naught what they appear to be. If you’re out here showing to be with and support those just because of what you see they have, and the image is projecting and catering to that fantasy and desire in your own world (Mind). You are setting self up for a much more unsettling face off down the road.
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Do you owe anyone anything to anyone? No. But I also agree to disagree. Why? Because at the flip of the coin you just might, it just all depends on one’s mindset, heart and willingness to want to see how important you just may be to someone in dire need. And this is part why I do what it is that you clearly see, and I’m able to because I work hard at it, and God knows that I’m trying and naught just for me. #canuimagine? The #battleofthemind is one that ongoing #inthesedayzoftyme.
When A Chief Speaks
Author: ZooRillah

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust. Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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