People In Your Life May Not Be Satisfied Until You Hurt and or Die

Up early in the morning, it’s 4:19 AM with a whole lot on my mind. Naught like that’s naught everyday though anyway.

So anyway, I’m just laying here, and it crosses my mind how there are those close and, in your life, circle, team, squad group whatever you claim or call it, who just naught satisfied until you hurt and or even just die.

And then, I don’t even think that satisfies their thirst for seeing things however they want to see by their selfish acts and ways.

Pretty sure you the reader are a bit thrown off by this post. Or you just may be feeling where I’m coming from, because you too may well be feeling the same due to those who are close to you who appears to never be satisfied and do stuff that they know may well rub you in a way that is naught so settling.

But what do I mean, and why am I on such a subject matter at this moment? Well, because when you know the type of love, care and thoughtfulness that I or even you put out, of course you gone feel some type a way about a lot of the shhh… you put up with, and the overwhelming obstacles that you face and go through on the daily.

When I say: “There’s a direct and indirect attack being waged on the minds of men” especially of my tone, I mean just that. You have those type of men who are trying hard to get it right. And then you have those who feel like it’s too hard and much to carry when it comes to being man, so they just like: “F_ _ _ that it’s too much” so they’ve chosen to just give up and that goes for women too.

Where am I going with this? What I’m saying is…. it just seems like no matter how much you strive to be; the hope, and faith is it even worth it and or paying off?

You (MAN) of my tone who are actually showing what needs to be shown only to feel unappreciated by those who you feel should show some type of sign that they really feel where you come from by certain acts that they know truly matters to you.

But they don’t, these women out here pretending to listen when they only hearing what they want to hear or what they feel is relevant and matters at that moment to and for them. Just like this post, this blog, my music, thoughts, energy and even my life, and the life of other men of my tone who truly struggle for that matter.

Even though I kinda know that I might be appreciated, deep down within I feel I’m naught and I have my reasons.

Or maybe it’s just me, but I’m shown that I don’t have any room or right to my opinions, have an opinion nor room to voice, speak on and or even constructively complain about some of the many things that I see some y’all favorite rappers, actors, celebrities and entertainers touching on and it’s cool, but as soon as men like me speak on it it doesn’t deserve the same time and attention?

Where’s the equality in that? And let me naught forget to make it very clear to how you have these women of my tone who don’t make it no better.

You have these black women if that’s where we at with it, African American Black Women, Goddess, Divas, Queens whatever title you choose to see fit. They’re a part of the mind game mess too. Here it is a katt like me, I know I’m far from perfect, and messes up as well have my own flaws.

But I’ll tell you this… I know the true importance of women of my tone, so I strive to deliver whats needed especially to the one’s I see hope in, love and care for.

I myself try to project everything that you have black women out here trying to say no longer exist or is being shown by black men and or men of my tone actually does! Just the other night I tried (Like always) to show my token of appreciation to this woman who I really dig, and you know what she did?

Fell asleep on the phone on me. 😆 I try to laugh to keep from crying and being angry and furious about how I think somebody trying to play me. What men you know of my tone really showing to care about the little things like talking beyond texting?

Showing that what you (Woman) may be going through is noticed and you don’t have to feel mentally alone? WHO? Ya Pastor? All and all though, I’m tired.

Tired of people trying to make it seem as if I’m temporary feel good for the moment. My time and energy count just like anyone else’s.

Just seem like the honorable man just don’t stand a chance. I guess that’s where God comes into play, but God is only supposed to assist you in certain matters, “


Other than that, you supposed to have those who will hopefully Spiritually move you by esteeming and uplifting you so that you know that those who you look to and depend on are also giving you the same energy that you try so damn hard to project.

But they wonder why mentally Illness, sickness and distrust and even wanting to deal with mafas is on the rise.

So this is why I feel how I feel, because even if you die do they show the necessary change? Just something for those who know what I’m saying, why I’m saying it and can feel my pain and where I’m coming from. Undermine me for what?

Yes, there are men of my tone who still know how and or are working on how to love and care. You mafas out just showing to stand up for, be for, help, aid, support and build with and up the wtong one’s The 👉 #battleofthemind continues

When A Chief Speaks Knowledge and Music

Author: ZooRillah

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust. Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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