The importance of Pondering

Do You Know What It Means 2 Ponder?

What Does It Mean To You?

Woke up this morning, and very thankful for that. So much stay on my mind in this world of so much confusion.

It’s like a game of tug of war with ones mind. left, right, good and bad, heaven and hell, saint and sin, Divine and evil.

Can you see it? These are just some of the things that we all as living beings go through in this game of life.

But I’m thankful, grateful and very appreciative so that’s why I work as hard as I do, as a once upon a time hell-razor, sharp and didn’t have a problem with leaving you leaking, I bare those memoirs of what and who I use to be.

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I think a lot, and I’m into a lot. For me, it’s bigger than Rap, so I make it very clear to those who know not of who I be.

I am a artist, but I’m also a man of the Creator (God). What I found out is that, life seemed so much easier when I was living on the edge, but I always knew that there was definitely more to it than the eye met.

As you read my title  Pondering one may ask what is that? “But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19

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I too am a keeper; A bearer of light. Something that I have fought with all my life. 

I knew this all my life too, I felt it all my life that it was bigger than just my mother and dad going half on a creation as co-creators of something that even then had no knowledge of the greatness that would manifest in the Great Lakes; it has always crossed my mind throughout time.

So, here I am today, and so many years later sitting here at one of my favorite coffee spots. it is such a peaceful get away spot, and though there are many who come here that are of the Gothic realm, I don;t question my self to why I place my self in a spot when the demonic surrounds me. Does it bother me? hell no, not one bit.

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I see them tagged with the signs and symbols of what i use to be, but I just never was able to see until I was finally able to see.

So I ponder, and don’t ask why me? I just take the good with the bad and try to bring balance within me, my self and I.

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What’s on my mind? So many thoughts, but how don’t keep them organized in order to be able to paint the picture better.

It’s gloomy outside, probably because of all those who have taken their last breaths, and have past on.

Kalamazoo has had quit a few in the month that just passed, and now we enter into this new month of December. whatever the case, I just continue to elevate, and work towards bringing my creative artwork to the forefront for ones viewing, listening and educational purposes.

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Just some of what goes on within the mind of #Theartist4thePeople. Thanks for lending your time, eyes and mind. Peace! and God Bless.

When A Chief Speaks

Author: ZooRillah

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust. Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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