The importance of subscribers
The importance of subscribers is something I wanted to touch on today. How important are they? Whats the big deal about them?Read More!
Erica gets ousted for use of word Monkey
Erica gets ousted and is now out the door In case you haven’t seen what’s trending right now. This is what happenedRead More!
Why I put myself in situations like this
Can you imagine situations like this? You ever run across certain Situations like this one in the video that eventually must beRead More!
Police investigating Unsolved murder of Tupac Shakur?
Police and the Unsolved Mystery murder of Tupac Shakur So, I’m online working on my site, making some changes and doing someRead More!
Video in link of what happened to a Postal Truck when a driver did this
Just can’t make this shhh up. I ran across a video, which shows exactly why I strive to do what I do.Read More!
Knowledge and Rap – Only As Good As One’s Actions
Adam the Great X Kicks Knowledge Through Rap with Awareness So, do I? Have you taken the time to just take aRead More!
The Artist 4 the People Takes You Back In Time
Can U Imagine What I Experienced So, I found myself doing a post the day yesterday on 3 Important things to rememberRead More!
3 things to Remember when it comes to the meaning of Spring
So, you might be one of the few that may be wondering why? Why am I just now speaking on Spring? AndRead More!
So, did you know? Man, 41 killed in Kalamazoo after shooting
Another Killing In Kalamazoo Not A Good Look Just came across this, and thought I’d do a post on it to bringRead More!
28 year old pops up at hospital shot after Kalamazoo shooting
Just ran across this. So did you know? Just a little awareness for ya. Lemme know if it really went down, becauseRead More!