So did you know? 20 year Sentence for Aaron von Ehlinger But why?

Former Idaho state Rep. Aaron von Ehlinger guilty of rape

So, I’m back like I left something with yet another one with seriously enlightening thoughts for the mind of those who take the time to seek and read. So what do we have here. Well, we have another post about something that I came across that caught my attention. And what stuck out that caught my attention wasn’t the double up sentence. What stuck out was who was getting it, and who got it? A “Idaho Lawmaker” Say what? Naaaaaa….. not one who actually are placed in position represent for, and play a major part when it comes to laws made in States. 

20 Year Sentence for Lawmaker

According to what I’ve read on MSN People, Idaho Lawmaker Aaron von Ehlinger Sentenced to Up to 20 Years in Prison for Raping Teen Intern A former Representative, Aaron von Ehlinger got touched up with a double up (20 years) in prison. But why? Why would a State rep, and also a lawmaker be getting time like this? Someone who is looked up to, and at as well as considered to be a “LAW ABIDING CITIZEN” who clearly is in a much better position in life, and has much less to have to worry about; than those who are not as fortunate. To be getting caught up in order to be sentenced to 2 decades in prison? 

Convicted for Felony Rape of a Teen Intern

I know the suspense was mentally killing the one’s with short attention spans, but now you know why. Idaho Lawmaker who is now a former State representative who is also according to what I read is: “40” years old was convicted for felony rape of a teenager intern in April? That’s what PEOPLE is saying according to court documentation they obtained. It also is said that he will be eligible for parole after eight years.

The Judge Michael Reardon has some words for him while handing him the sentence: “You have a pattern of explaining, excusing, deflecting and blaming others for the circumstances you find yourself in.” So the, the Freshman legislator from Lewiston I guess felt the need to use him serving in the military, and his interaction and his choice of religious path and journey to Israel to fess up to sins committed. As a possible way to hopefully soften the coming pressure to the mind and body blow that he was about to get? And a followup choice of thoughts/words to the former rep and Idaho Statesman was this:

“You see yourself as a victim and you see yourself as a hero, and frankly I don’t see you as either one of those things.”

And why, why did the Judge feel the need to come back with such a reply? Because from what was said, he didn’t admit to the crime he committed. Well damn, Judge Reardon gave it 2 em raw! It’s said that, Von Ehlinger was charged with not one, but two felony counts of….. sexual ASSAULT after a 19-year-old intern alleged that he FORCED her to perform oral sex following dinner at his apartment in March 2021. Alrighty then. So, so here’s the thing; I’m a just put the link below if y’all wanna read more on this. the more I read, the more it moved me to type more. But y’all tell me what y’all think about it after reading more into it, and that’s if you do. But here’s what I will say, after all of this, there were recommendations asked for by Von Ehlinger’s attorney. And….. he had some support by written letters even after the fact of such an act.

Final Thoughts of the Artist 4 the People

I actually have a lot to say on this, but where and how do I get it all out without typing far and beyond, which will lead up to this post being longer? So, I’ll just lay some thoughts down on this as short as I can. I’ve never heard of none of this, and you would think that like all the other situations that are covered and thrown out into the Public eye as high profile, you would think that this one would also be one being the nature of the case. I also must touch on the fact that, not only is this man Aaron von Ehlinger shows to be a man in his 40’s who holds a position of power, but one with great status. A Lawmaker, and Statesman. I can about typing about this in so many ways that provides prime example to why why we are seeing such. 

I think for my Subscribers, visitors, viewers and readers. One should be asking self: “What do we, and are we getting from this?” Time and time, over and over again, I’ve stressed the importance of how my thoughts in saying: “With great power comes also with an even bigger and greater responsibility.” But, one of the things that I feel the need to stress also is how certain things coming from the dark into the light when it comes to situations like this; isn’t just happening. Why? I could express myself on the possible why, but could it already not be that I already may have? My end-note would be to see what one possibly needs to see. And also let it be a lesson of take heed to for those who want so badly to get into the political realm of these type of positions of power, but yet somehow end up showing to be either corrupt, and or being accused of these nasty sex acts. It should give you a really good reason to wonder if the most high almighty G-d was more in than out would we see a little more Spiritual integrity? And there’s something else I noticed, how he also reps for the Republican Party. And as I always say: “It’s never the title, it’s the party who uses it leverage and gain of status, for many wrong reasons. #canuimagine

When A Chief Speaks





Author: ZooRillah

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust. Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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