Struggling Father’s Are Being Undermined

How I feel after #fathersday

Ever get the feeling that you really are naught loved or appreciated? And yes, I’m talking to you, that man, guy, dad/father who may be feeling the same way I felt and feel right now. And, you may have even experienced something similar to what I did, and have year after year; like those who should have at least reached out to say Happy Father’s day.

But didn’t. My children didn’t nor did the mothers. Well, my youngest daughter’s mother did, but even her shhh… was stale too. But it was the thought that counted, but what about my two oldest? These two are grown so what’s their excuse? When I asked the other side of me, the reply was: “Maybe they don’t love you in real life.”

#CanUImagine the look on my face, and the feeling that moved through me at that very moment? I was like: “Wooow… really?” So this how they really feel huh. But then, to make it even worse on self, I gave these mafas and they mammies too, the benefit of the doubt thinking that they still just might, because it’s still early.

They didn’t. You know ya boy was crushed right? You wanna know what I got? A F****** card from my little one’s mother and they both signed it. “But God, she didn’t even make me a sandwich!” 😥 As you can see; even through all the hurt, I still found a way to find some type of humor throughout this such a naught so happy time.

So why am I doing this post today? Well, as a father/dad who knows how it is to struggle mentally with all the obstacles that one faces and or may have to face in time when it comes to life.

I felt the need to once again address as well as bring some awareness to manifest for other struggling and family less feeling father’s who are and have been placed in a position in mind to feel as if they don’t count, are naught important and don’t deserve the same respect, love and recognition that is shown to the mother’s on their day.

Since these mother’s are so 💯 then mind telling me why is it that it’s the mother’s who are seen doing with her little boys what the man (the father of the children) should be doing on his so-called day “Father’s day?”

The things that I see. Let me tell you, man you are going to experience the stressful encounters when trying to find a way of dealing with the reality that, ungrateful #women #blackwomen and #children too; who make all the excuses in the world to why they think they can belittle, undermine, try to discredit and basically exclude man from any due recognition he deserves.

Some of the these women “Black women” if that’s what the title one chooses to be have been programmed to see you as man as merely nothing and or just a donor/baby daddy and guess what? Their teaching the child to be, feel and do the same “Undermine.”

They have an idea how they play a part in the taking man under rather than try to uplift him, but do they care? I think naught. Especially those women who already have children by another man, and they even show to be Un appreciative to ones who try just by being supportive to their single parent a**es. And let me naught forget to let it be known how they teaching the children how to hate their father’s. Too me, it’s some programmed slave mentality Willie Lynch mess going oon and no one wants to come clean about it.

I mean all of the shhh… that those who were before us went through in order for things to turn out like this when it comes to mother’s, father’s and children’s relationship? And if you think that, I’m just being over emotional and sensitive about this. Think again. I #GiveIt2EmRaw all the time in regards to that in itself so let it be known that is naught the case. Here’s a story I found of a young woman’s story on how she “Grew up with a dad who didn’t know how to express love? Here’s how it could be affecting you today.”

Very interesting story, and how it oh so relates to what I am touching on right now. How a daughter is speaking on how her dad had no communication skills when it came to her. And it also hits home with how “Daughters need to know that the first man in their life loved them unconditionally.” but yet, here it is you have a katt like me, who clearly shows to have learned and is somewhat skilled in it, but yet mines don’t even give a f***? And that goes for the son too. So that must be why these women show to be the way they are?

  “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.”

Exodus 20:12

But anyway, this is just an my way as an #artist #father and #theartist4thepeople of saying #happyfathersday after father’s day, because it’s naught like men don’t say it this same phrase for they a** so why doesn’t the same apply? Show me where a woman has posted that phrase for men and I’ll honor it, but I bet you’ll see it more from us than them.

Brethren, EVERYDAY is and should be your day. You are just as important brughtha/fellow-man and never forget. And I’m naught talking to the punk’s and convertacons that they idolize and praise. This is for those guys #blackmen #nativemen and all real men who can see and recognizes exactly what I’m saying and where I’m coming from.

It’s a battle of the mind, but just keep trying to do your best, and know that you are naught alone. Don’t give up like I feel like doing everyday.

When A Chief Speaks

Just the #ThoughtsofARisingLeader

Author: ZooRillah

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust. Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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