Will Smith Chris Rock Situation – Part 1

Will Smith Chris Rock Situation Part 1 So lemme dive right into this whole Will Smith Chris Rock situation. The video below

Woman Accused Of Stabbing Man And Child?

So, I was just put up on how a 28-year-old woman accused of stabbing 35-year-old man, and child. Any idea why this

How I Was Played On Father’s Day

So, this is a post touching on how I was treated on father’s Day. Boy oh boy let me tell you how

A Man Needs Woman to Help Them Not Hinder

The struggle on the mind of (Black American) (African American) (Native American) and men in general is a heavy one. When I

Are People Really Using God And Jesus Name As A Front?

Morning thoughts of Adam. Its something how some people can talk, and try to tarnish and blemish as well as dismiss the