There Are Those Brotha’s Who Try but Y’all Still Show to Not Really Love and Appreciate

As I sit and think. It seems like; Man especially 1 of my tone stay messing up. How is it that people

When You Know It Shows 2 Already Be In The Air Do This

Threw a lil something out there on my Instagram Live IGTV. Just a top of the morning awareness light video for the

Honor Respect Loyalty And Integrity Why They Still Matter

I’m pretty sure that you see what the title says, and if these four are still important. Then why is it so

They Really Try Hard To Silence And Oppress Those Who Deserve To Express What’s Real

I’m really starting to see more and more to how hard it’s getting to show through your able-ness to willingly strive towards

People In Your Life May Not Be Satisfied Until You Hurt and or Die

Up early in the morning, it’s 4:19 AM with a whole lot on my mind. Naught like that’s naught everyday though anyway.