Teen Steals And Crashes Car In Kalamazoo Oh The Crazy Things In This World Does It Affects You?

You really don’t have to take my word for it, but I encourage oneself to just be brave enough to be able to see where I’m coming from for yourself, and then you decide.

Yea, I know, I know, you might be saying after reading the title that, I’m naught touching on nothing new right?

True, but I think the important question that, you the reader of this post might want to ask yourself is whether you are honestly paying attention, and being brave enough to have a better standing to what you are actually seeing that is going on in this crazy world that you, and I are living in?

I will say that, many are, but there are many who are naught, and really don’t want to see, and have a better standing to what is really going on unless it’s entertaining to their thoughts, because who likes a party in the mind spoiler right?

Some folks just want to get the hell away from the thoughts of even having to carry the burden in thought in itself to what the possibilities are to something being true when it comes to a lot  of the crazy things that are taking place in this world we live in.

Example? Last night, I saw someone’s post on Facebook about how a whole lot of police, sheriffs, etc. were on the south-side in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

And you know how people just love to get the scoop right? I mean that’s how it is when it comes to living in the hood some would say.

Anyway, come to find out the reason was because some bodies 14-year-old child decides to take the keys to the car and cellphone of the owner without permission while she (grown up) was sleep.

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The child decided to take it upon self and went joy riding, and ended up crashing on Washington, and Race Street. Naught only that, but ran the stop sign causing major damage to other folks automobiles, jumped out the load and got little, but was eventually nabbed, and now is facing charges according to the story.

Typical hood shit right? What’s my point you might ask. My point is really no point at all except to point out how this may naught have affect me or you directly, but it did indirectly, and it most certainly affected the woman whose automobile it was, and those whose automobiles were damaged in the process.

Now ask yourself, who really wants to actually have to even think about something like that? Did those who were affected by this 14 year old’s acts deserve the outcome?

I think naught, but it happened, and it’s far from over, and in the end nobody wins in this situation except the courts, and attorneys, and prosecutors.

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I thought I’d use that story, which is on wwmt news site for your source purposes CLICK LINK—> Child Facing Several Charges. And this story alone is just one of many that, I’m naught gone spend the time to address, but there, and all this crazy shit is happening right in your neck of the woods, and all folks can do is just look at it as just another episode in the hood.

What if it was your child who did this? How would you feel and what would you do? What if these automobiles were just bought with one’s tax return? Is it sinking in yet?

Are you one of those parents/guardians who are allowing your children to run things, act grown, be involved in the street life trying to act out the allusion lifestyles of their favorite rappers, be thugs and while at the same time overlooking these acts with excuses?

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Starting to see the picture now huh? It gets deeper, and guess what, folks are just on the sideline allowing Satan and his agents to have they’re way with what you claim to say that, you love so much?

And no, I’m naught telling ya that you don’t love ya children, but it’s something that you alone will have to face off with in time. There’s so much going on how can anyone focus on just one situation you might ask.

Who wants to be bothered with all this mess one might ask when you having a hard enough time trying to juggle your own heavy balls in this life.

So, I think what it is that, one would get so overwhelmed that they will try to find any and every way possible to find an escape hatch from reality to naught have to deal with the possible truths that are placed right before ones eyes, and that is the truth whether you want to see, and or accept that truth pill to swallow or naught.

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And here’s the thing, I’m really just doing my due diligence by just touching on this, because these type of situations really need to be addressed, and dealt with, because it is happening within your communities where you have to live naught the KPD, naught the government, naught the president of the United States, but YOU!

And here’s something to mentally grow on too, some of y’all are so acceptable to many of the unacceptable acts that are being carried out, but yet you have the nerve to complain and talk shit when it affects you directly or you just gossip with no action except in thought why is that?

You might say that, I have no room to talk, and what am I doing? Well, for one, I’m touching on it by investment of time just by doing this post alone to bring awareness to you, the reader is constructive acts on my part are they naught? No fake News you feel me?

My reason? Because I done walked the walk to talk that’s why.

I was once one of these youngsters, single parent home setting on some wild shit doing too damn much, and naught being as considerate as I should have when it comes to what type of problems I may cause naught only for self, but for my mother as well, and trust and believe, it took me, a looooooooong….. time to see things the way I am seeing now, and the creator (God) played a big part in where I stand in life today.

So, is it acceptable to overlook the acts of this child just because it’s naught our child? Is the woman to blame for being sleep?

Hey, ya guy just an artist asking the questions that y’all naught. Why? Because I show to give a damn by using of my gifts and time as wisely as possible whether it be through my music or my blog in hopes to reach, teach and hopefully elevate the minds of those who can see where I’m coming from.

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Anyhow, feel free to share your thoughts below, and whether some of what I’m saying helps you to see the bigger picture, because if you can’t be brave enough to want the need to see, and know in order to identify with the real problems that we all face in some way in this crazy world then how do you expect to see anything change if you do nothing? CLICK THE LINK to listen—> In These Dayz Of Tyme

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“There is One Thing that has been clearly shown throughout time that, makes it Necessary for the Triumph of Evil, and that fulfillment comes when nothing Good is done through the acts of Men.”

Peace, and many blessings to those who are able to see.



Author: ZooRillah

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust. Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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