The Creator God And The Universe Are My Biggest Listeners

I think that, the creator (God) and the universe are my biggest listeners, readers of my thoughts on my Gods4lo Blog and even fans when it comes to my thoughts through my creative music workings.

When I go through what I go through, the only ones who I feel that are truly watching, reading and listening are the two. The obstacles that, I face in life are experiences that, I tend to have to face alone, and will either help or hinder me. So I’ve learned to try to find a way to deal with them, but it gets hard as hell, because when you know what you are up against In These Day’z Of Tyme.

The fight tends to be double the weight. And though there are many of days where, I feel like just f****** giving up. I think the two sends reminding vibes to me that: “For life is a struggle, and without that struggle, there is no meaning to the struggles in life that you are going through.” Who wants to feel like their going through it alone? To some, this all may sound as if I done finally lost it, and went completely crazy, because to you all this appears to be alien.

Because you really don’t have a standing to where I’m coming from. And whether I am right or naught matters naught. What does matter is whether I am able to feel what I am feeling, and be able to deliver it the way I am, which in itself is by choice, and knowing that. I am still able to show some type of feeling lets me know that, I haven’t allowed self to be completely overthrown. Taken over by the many things in this world that has been known to turn a man straight heartless, numb, cold-hearted, bitter, carnal-minded, careless and just as evil as those who are showing it with no filter.

And knowing all of this in itself is an example of what I mean by the “Battle Of the Mind.” Some of these struggles are the many that we all are found to be going through and faced with, and it’s nothing new under the sun. So as a music recording artist/music producer Divine, and native man on the land who also tries to have a life outside of music, I too go through what I go through, because may be it’s meant. And going through what I’ve been through in life has helped me a great deal throughout my time, because there’s nothing like experience, it tends to teach the best lessons if one chooses to learn.

What I’ve been through allows me to paint pictures musically with my lyrical flow, and I feel that, this is the gift that was given to me, for the purpose set even before I was conceived. It has nothing to do with being special, but everything to do with what you have to offer that just may help those along the way just as I was while on your mission in life, and til this very day.

Knowing how hard I have worked when it comes to the little that I do know, and do offer, I still find self having that feeling as if people are trying to undermine, underestimate, overlook, belittle, discredit and play me like; what I have to say, and offer doesn’t matter, and at times have me on some real f*** the world shhh…, and feeling like there is no need for me to be trying to breakdown nothing to nobody, whether it be about how important it is for oneself to be at least trying to build a relationship with the creator (God) and or working on one’s mind state in order to better “Know Thyself.”

But what do I know is that, I knows nothing, and though, I am a master in my own way, I still find it important to also humble self, because I am also a servant and one could easily get lost due to ones ego. Oh you didn’t know? Yea, the ego is a mafa.

So when it comes to my ability to serve, what I choose to serve is what I have worked my way to knowing, because this is what I asked for, this is what I prayed for, this is a part of my beginning stages of the change that, I feel that the creator (God) and the universe needed for me to recognize, to see and know that this is way bigger than you and I.

Whether people want to acknowledge my change, and strive towards better or naught, I think what matters is that, I know how hard it has been, and how hard I have worked when it comes to my mind state so, why would I give up on that?

Why would I give up on those who I know were there all my life, and was there to mentally uplift me, in my time of need? And furthermore, who gone try to debunk those truths, the truths of ones own experience, and walk?

I learned, and still am learning how important communication, better social skills, analyzing and comprehension is. And as I think back on all of this, and look at what I am now faced with many years later, I feel as if I was being prepped, and groomed for the fire (test of times).

“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.”

Just seeing, and knowing how everything is now in reverse when it comes to this world that we are living in messes with me mentally, because to see how people have switch sides, and traded in the natural way for the unnatural way.

People have naught forgotten, but by their own freewill have been tricked into thinking one thing when it’s really another. Instead trying to see, know and try to better situations they’d rather create an even worse one. Facebook has now become people’s way of socializing, which that in itself is naught the problem, it’s how careless minded people are with the tool that is very troubling.

Let’s be honest, and ask yourself: “Is your relationship way stronger with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and any other social platform that you feel will listen to your every cry, issue, problem etc, or is it with those whom are actually close to you who tends to make you feel like they don’t understand what you are going through, so you would rather put your all into connecting with and feeling accepted by a thumb, annotation, comment and share?”

Am I lying? Your communication with people on the other side of a screen has become more important than your supposed to be stronger connection with the creator (God) first and foremost, family, friends and especially when it comes to the bonding and closeness that you should want and need when it comes to man, and woman, woman and man (better 1/2 is what I choose to say, and even your children too.

You don’t have to agree with me, you don’t even have to listen nor accept anything that, I have taken the time out to place before you, the possible reader of this post.

But one thing you can never say is that, there is no one who is, and have been trying to help one see the importance of paying attention when the creator (God) and the universe speaks.

And this is where I am right now, and this is why I strive to deliver no matter how hurt, no matter how let down, betrayed and ignored that I may feel, I find it important to try to now focus on the task and purpose at hand, and that task and purpose is possibly doing what was asked of us all to do.

And whether you choose to or naught, I am only responsible for my own choices in doing so or naught, and that is a part of the whole freewill deal.

My creative work is a part of my therapy of the once disordered. It helps me to naught only heal the wounds that, I’ve caused to self, but even the ones that people who are close to, and or have been close to have caused as well.

I see my voicing what needs to be voiced in my art, creative music work, and music production as my way of getting the work done.

And even though, I feel at times that, I am naught accomplishing, and really getting nowhere; some people do show to appreciate what I am delivering and that is why, I strive to continue to try to reach the minds of those who seek, it’s just sad that the ones that really see and are showing to pay attention are those who are naught close to me in real life.

It’s those who are in real life like family, so-called friends and (women) in my life who, I thought that I could depend on who tends to cause the most mental damage, and they wonder why.

No one should have to feel like they have to go through life and fight the good fight alone. No one should have to feel as if the creativeness, true value and worth that one is clearly able to show by their works are overlooked by those who choose to watch you struggle with trying to figure things out with no help from the ones who you feel should want to be involved in your visions, your dreams, your goals and to feel the need to be closer to you in order to be able to say: “I was there, and still am, because I see the potential in the workings of the creator (God) being projected threw him or her so, I didn’t want to miss out on the experience.”

And you know what? I can’t name naught one individual that has and or would even think to have it on their heart to say what I just said, but it has to be on and in one’s heart already in order to even be able to project these type of thoughts.

But on the flip side of this, I do know of two that does listen, and want me, to elevate and succeed. There are two who reads and who I consider as my biggest readers, and listeners of my thoughts whether it be through this Blog and or my art in music.

The two have shown regardless of my imperfectness, and once upon a time engagement in the darker side has continued to be with me all of my life and never turned or forsaken me while on my journey.

And so, I say today as they already know that, I truly appreciate, and thank you for being here for me, even when those who I feel should be for me, show to be against me, and being against me, is no different from going against the two, and that is something that one should naught want to do.

I see a part of me, fulfilling a fraction of your purpose, and for that, I show my gratitude and appreciation by allowing the purpose to flow from, and threw, which is what you allow me to be able to do, thank you for seeing me, fit to help fulfill what you already have said that you will do. #Gods4lo

“I declare the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose.’”

Peace and many blessings to the eye’s and the minds who seek.

When a Chief Speaks

Author: ZooRillah

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust. Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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