When it comes to this rap and Hip Hop music game; many have their reasons for doing it. Be it Rap and or Hip Hop that one is choosing to represent, you can naught mistake the fact that, there are many styles and ways that artist’s are choosing to do their thing when it comes to contributing to both of the cultures that have been going, and going way before you and I. But we also know that, every recording artist is naught be the same, acting like, and should be doing it like the other.
But what I realize is that, there are certain reasons to why. I’m naught going to get into that right now, but what I will say is this. When it comes to me, I’m responsible for me, and what I have to offer the culture, and the history as a contributor, and let it be known that, it is like no other.
I refuse to deliver to those who are listeners of my music anything otherwise. Even though I know how screwed up the Rap and Hip hop music and game is, I don’t make excuses and what others feel the need to offer is naught any of my concern to complain about it.
What I have chosen to do is pick up, and carry torch to show that, neither is dead, nor the same. When it comes to this Rap and Hip Hop music, you already see what you see, and if you see that it’s projecting much of what you know to naught be right, but yet you still choose to support those artist’s who carry the torch for that life, and expression of music; then that is what you call a choice right?
It is also a choice for one to take the time to listen and even support other artist’s work especially those who are doing it local. Every local I say is naught coming with it, but that again is naught my concern. It’s saturated with many who now want to try and get in this game, and some are even paying their way just to get recognitio0n, but ask yourself what does that have to do with being creative when it comes to Rap and Hip Hop?
There are some questions that you, the listeners and supporters need to be asking. When it comes to my workings, I strive to bring it like no other and get my creative oon, and give you, the visitor and or reader a good a** reason why you should listen, like or dislike, follow or naught, and share or naught my work as a Rap recording artist.
See for me, this is important, it’s naught about me just making music for myself or just for you, but for the both, because in the end for me, it’s therapy. It’s a way for me to release whatever it is that, I feel the need to express, and if you the listener are able to find something in my work that is relate-able and or helpful, entertaining and or even possibly therapeutic for you, then as #TheArtist4thePeople, and creator of Rap and Hip Hop music, I show that whatever I am able to offer in this messy music game shows to be effective.
In the video above is a song that, will be on my new CD titled: “Certified.” or ‘The Battle of the mind” don’t know yet. The song is called: “Man of Steel” Why these type of titles? Because I have my reasons.
Those who know who are from the streets/ the hood when it comes to Kalamazoo, clearly knows why, and I think if and after you watch the video you will know why, you will know that there is still a such thing as real Rap and Hip Hop, and shall hopefully answer the question if asked to what I mean when I say, #TheArtist4thePeople.
I know that there are many who show to be lazy minded when it comes to reading, so you will have to accept my sincerest apologies for taking the time to type the way I do, but I do this to show the value and worth in all that I choose to offer those who do appreciate the little that I deliver especially when it comes to giving y’all something to read too.
It may naught be what you want to see, and my music and videos may naught be what filled with all the glittery sparkly commercial type of look, feel, and sound but I think that if you know what it means to be underground with this music then you shall naught allow that to be a reason for you to miss out on whatever I place within my work showing that, when I say that, I’m Given It 2 Em Raw that’s exactly what I mean, and what I mean is what I say.
I’m naught doing this for fun, and games, I’m doing this for real reason and purpose. To each I say do ya thing when it comes to those who are doing Rap and Hip Hop music in Kalamazoo, and throughout the Midwest Michigan and the music industry as well.
You also have those who show to have a problem with giving credit where credit is due. They say one thing, but yet do another. You gone have those type who play the favoritism homeboy, my team buddy, buddy role.Side taking all that.
When I say ZOORILLA, it’s naught because it sounds good. And let me naught forget the ones who be secretly style tapping, and pretending as if there wasn’t those who came before them, and try to hide that fact because their too busy making it all about them.
I’ve even been accused of these type of acts, but I have no problem with proven a mafa wrong, and let my actions speak, and I think after watching the video, I’ll just allow you, the reader and listener to decide that for self.
I have no interest in hating anyone, it’s enough of that going on as it is, but I will say this; do naught expect me, to follow these whack, weak minded trends and Hubble Bubble mumbo jumbo sellout ways of pushing Rap and Hip Hop music to the people, because I am naught interested.
I stand for and on what I feel is needed, and by all means I welcome those whomever feels the need to beg to differ, I welcome you to show where I’m naught projecting good music, and show my support and respect for others work WITHOUT ANYONE HAVING TO TELL ME, TO DO SO, I just come Rilla with it be it for Kalamazoo, Michigan and or throughout the several states united.
So oon that note enjoy, and leave a comment on your likes and dislikes of the work produced Aquimini Productions style in the video. The one man entourage is oon the rise. R.I.H to the brethren Chyst for the city Chy-Town West-side.
When A Chief Speaks
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