The Walking Dead In Real-Time, Why?

Are There Really Zombies Walking Around?

Paying Attention To Your Surroundings Helps

I seen something that made me think even harder about how important it is 2 be working on self, and why I work so hard at what I do. Some of our people (Black folks) (African-Americans) are out here doing and looking really bad. It’s a real ugly picture, and seeing this young bruthah scurrying around from one person to another asking for money talking about he trying 2 come up oon $20 to get him through the week, then tried 2 hit me with the God script, nose draining pants falling down with a tat on his cheek gave me a visual 2 how and why Caucasians label you.

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I see this picture that I paint 4 you everyday. It hurts to see some of these katts out here the way dude was, but I also am Aquimini Minded and know when some of these jokers have these ADDICTIONS (Molly Meth Monsters) controlled by what you have no idea about. Got our younger generation out here loose as a goose with no feathers.

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So what did I do when he finally gained up courage 2 ask me? My voice alone made it clear of my no time for the scripts, he wasn’t getting no damn twenky that’s 4 sure, I did give him a dollar though. Not because I felt bad, but because his standing is because he’s choosing 2 go the easy route out, and many are taking this route at their own freewill. I told him that, he has his eyesight and able to move around and 2 try to get self together, because when these people call them “ROMAN SAINTS” 2 come get you, that 2 was also a choice. There’s more to this, but I’m not going any further on that.

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My point 2 this post? Though I cringe at seeing what I see, and have a soft spot 4 my people’s condition I also tell my self that, sometimes that condition is what they choosing. I don’t judge, but know when 2 go ZERO 2 the NONSENSE. These type are why MY RACE OF PEOPLE are looked at as a danger, and animals, DARK, WORTHLESS, BOTTOM FEEDERS, LAZY all the NEGATIVE, and who’s 2 blame? Well, we know one thing; these new drugs are definitely part of the reason. The fun Look, But Deadly ones like ecstasy. 


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So I say 2 you, that the projections are a choice, the drugs are a choice. How do you want and need people 2 see u? So 2 kill those projections, I realized that it all started with self. I got tired, and reached 4 help, and though I it was hard, I did it, but I got tired, and I hope many of my other people get tired and reach without allowing self 2 be looked at as nothing more than one who is trying 2 find their way Yes, dude needs help, but he also must take that first step. Watch 4 these type, because their out here, ZOMBIES and Demons in disguise IN REAL TIME.

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And many are showing to be acceptable to the unacceptable, but in the same breath are some of the same ones who have the nerve to try to speak on problems, but yet are showing to aid and be a part of the problems. Yep, i can speak on it, because I know this life, I come from it, been threw it and can say that, I am a testament and survivor, and I hope to reach those with whatever I may say, and it sparks their mind to just think about what is being delivered. nope, naught trying to save the world either just being and showing the possible from , and threw what about you?

Like, comment and share your thoughts on this and bring awareness to those who you say you truly love and care about, because the picture alone is telling you something.

When A Chief Speaks

Author: ZooRillah

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust. Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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