There Are Those Brotha’s Who Try but Y’all Still Show to Not Really Love and Appreciate

As I sit and think. It seems like; Man especially 1 of my tone stay messing up. How is it that people who know what & how much kattz like me have seen, done, went & been through. & Even when showing through one’s ACTS & naught just talk; the ability, and willingness to care and show real change and even leadership continue to be shown lessor credit and respect than owed? Treated and talked to as if you’re one of these other weak minded mafa NIGGRACONS who clearly shows nowhere near as much real light-work on self that one has chosen to put in and do, because I’m a tell you.
Guys like me, and from my era and time know, and that’s why we choose to grow in mind, Spirit and as a whole. But for some strange @$$ reason it just seems like no matter what we say or do, #InTheseDayzofTyme y’all really don’t want men like us or should I just speak for my damn self, yeah, I think I’ll do just that. Y’all show to naught want nor the need for kattz like me, who doesn’t ask for much from no one to really make it, achieve and succeed.
All I ask is for mafas to respect me, and what I say. If I mess up, I’m okay with you being mad at me when I’m wrong. But you will naughty treat me with the same respect that you have for those who show to be NOWHERE NEAR ON MY LEVEL. Why?
I’ve worked hard than a mafa to see, be and show what I project, and I will protect it. I’m just feeling like #blackwomen #nativewomen #BlackAmericanWomen would rather show to be against than for, which is totally opposite of what I see many of them screaming for.
But I get it, y’all perfect, and can do no wrong, but man isn’t and must bend to your will. And you wonder why this country, “MY COUNTRY” 2 #america #AmericaFirst is in such distress rite now. Because y’all want men who are soft with no backbone, manpower in mind, Spirit and voice. I speak from the hearts core for those who can’t or won’t
Yours truly,
One of The Silent Major
When A Chief Speaks
Author: ZooRillah

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust. Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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