Okay, so below is a short video clip in regards to the whole state of emergency of rap and hip hop, and how I been showed that it’s been in a state of emergency. Time don’t lie, people do, and for people to pretend and speak on how rap and hip hop is dead and or there is no real music coming out ESPECIALLY IN KALAMAZOO, that truly deserves recognition as well as a worth taking the time to listen to.
That in itself is a WHOLE lie, and the truth is naught in those who clearly either assume, undermine, secretly hate and really don’t want those who show to be the real deal and worthy to shine. Or, is it that people just plain ole choosing to see what they want to see, and listen to what they want to listen to showing to be dismissive and show favoritism for the sake of wanting those who you see fit to win, achieve and succeed.
Let me be clear, the music game is naught the same, and neither are those who are in it. But who’s to blame? Who’s to blame for the changes that you see in both rap and hip hop? If this is going to be talked about then it must be on a level field in thought, and naught by assumptions, bullshhh… and lies.
Example? If and when I say I been telling y’all what was coming for years, which is almost 10. Either it’s the truth, or I’m telling a lie. And I challenge those who feel otherwise. Is there good music and recording artist’s coming out of Kalamazoo?
Why of course, I would say there is even beyond self, but that’s just me, I know how to give credit where it’s due, but it appears to be too damn much like right for others to show to naught be bias, and show to feel and do the same for other artist’s without it being seen as some try and suppress the light being projected on those who show, and have shown to naught only be supportive of others musical workings and content, but also showing that there are and always have been real reps to go hard for the Zoo who have been promoting and stressing the importance of unity.
But #inthesedayzoftyme, it is naught wise to be linking up with just any ole body. How do you represent, and continue to show your love and support for a city of people who don’t show the same in return? I’m naught into tooting my own horn, I just tell it like it is, and allow others to do that if they choose by recognizing the worth and value I clearly show to administer, been administering as well as contribute to this hijacked and over saturated with a whole lot a mess music game in Kalamazoo care to prove otherwise?
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