They Really Try Hard To Silence And Oppress Those Who Deserve To Express What’s Real

I’m really starting to see more and more to how hard it’s getting to show through your able-ness to willingly strive towards finding balance when it comes to conflicts and resolutions. When doing so, there are also those who try to work even harder to try and silence you when you merely are exercising one’s ability to express thoughts, and feelings beyond the level of communication that people; especially ours are used to receiving. You have to ask self: “What is a real friendship, and or even a relationship when there is no seeking of balance in the communication?”

It always tends to be some type of friction, one-sided way of seeing things and fallouts. Why? Could it be that you have people who would rather spend time and energy in silencing you when they either know that they might be wrong, and for some reason they just don’t know how to admit it. Or they may well just be on some other shhh…, don’t know how to express and communicate, which is something that they say is important to them, and expect it, but don’t want to project it.

So, when I feel as if this is the case, and being done to me, it basically is an example of the oppressing of one’s thoughts, and feelings through expression when I decide to speak on what I see to possibly be wrong and out of law and order now am I wrong for feeling like that? You can’t tell me that this isn’t the case, and that, it’s naught taking place especially within friendships, relationships, companionship’s, these social media streets etc. And you wanna know what’s bad if naught worse about this? The fact that, here it is our race of people as well as other races of people went through so much and sacrificed a whole lot for one to be able to freely now do what one does; only for it to seem like there are those people who really don’t appreciate that fact that, there are others who do, and I’m one of those people.

Hopefully I’ve reached someone, and or a few who can see, possibly relate to, and feel exactly where I’m coming from by doing this post and why. It’s naught just my truths, but the facts of the matter that you, the reader may be able to see, and get something from the thoughts, and experience of The Artist 4 the People. So, are our expressions being very well oppressed by some of the same people who we expect to feel where we’re coming from, respect how we feel and show in their acts and ways to want the need to get beyond the possible conflict in order to reach a more balanced solution? #CanUImagine  

When A Chief Speaks Knowledge and Music 4 Awareness 


Author: ZooRillah

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust. Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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