When Your Black World Closes You Out


♒💨 So yesterday morning, I was in the live chat community on Your Black World listening to what ole Dr. Boyce Watkins had to say in regards to the response of Lauren London’s public post on how she was feeling , which is the woman connected with the crip gang affiliate/rapper/business entrepreneur katt from Crenshaw, Los Angle’s California Nipsey Hussle. And what I experienced was something that was kinda expected, but sometimes instead assuming like other people especially ours always tend to show to do, and what I just watched and actually felt.
I guess the topic was in regards to the effects that black women tend to have after trauma and loss of their boyfriends, children etc due to violence in their own community. And the reason I am doing this post is because I seen such a hypocritical contradiction go down right before my eyes. It’s a very strange thing to have to look, and see what people “especially our so-called own” say, and do but yet actions actually paint a different picture. I just don’t get it, and probably never will when it comes to all this SUPPORT black, and black people, and them but then turn around and show that that energy asked for is given, but then when given it is silenced, talked down on and clearly naught wanted and just straight up, flat-out rejected.
Why is that I ask? Why does it show that, it always tends to be your own race of people who point the finger at those “Caucasians” who they say are oppressors and try to silence black people, but then turn right around and show to be doing the same thing? This whole online Social Socialism stuff what is pushed for other people the most by your own, and that’s the saddest part about it all. What I saw was how someone who was in this live chat was peacefully typing their peace by commenting, and literally and instantly was a target and called a troll because of what one chose to express that was possible truth or just one’s own opinion. But my problem with it is that whomever it was was silenced all because what was being said, and must didn’t fit the moment and script? I don’t know, I’m just looking at it for what it is… and could be and naught based off of what I feel due to over emotions and over sensitive feelings and wanted to see.
And then; when I seen and acknowledged whomever it was who was commenting and felt what was being commented based off the fact that they were entitled to their own possibly truthful opinion. I too was then secretly closed out as well by of the ongoing chat, but it was said that it had finished and told to find another stream??? 😕 #canuimaginge that. See, this why I be feeling that many of these folks be out here in this online world on some other shhh… and it clearly creates trust issues. Can you see why it’s so hard to entrust your own? How people gone preach about they are about and for the truth, better growth and development as well as unity and better communication among st our people and then turn around and show otherwise?
Was it Dr. Boyce who did the clipping? Don’t know. Could have been the admins. Clearly I say though that, even with this Nipsey Hussle situation; I would have to ask are people showing to learn anything from what just happened in his situation due to what was shown in this chatroom today? Where was the change that the brothah Nipsey Hussle would have approved of through the unexcused nonsense that I seen go down and even went down with me?
I just feel like this whole online socialist control others messy mindedness is being carried out through those who choose to willfully carry the torch and keep the fire flaming for it. Just my thoughts, and the readers opportunity to feel free to prove me wrong and that goes for Dr. Boyce Watkins, and his social following and community. And let me be clear that, “In noway, shape, form and intent is it for me to downplay, and throw a negative light on him and or what he is a part of.” I’m just saying, either show to be real through your actions, and naught just by the talk within a community that I thought was all about the truth and what is real. In noway was whomever it was showing to be disrespectful from what I could in any way, shape or form. And lemme leave this to ponder on. It’s all about transition and an energy thang as well as the work that needs to be tiled beyond those own personal work remember that. 😉 When ya see ya know, and when ya know, it’s one’s choice to show better towards one another. This favoritism mess should cease.
When A Chief Speaks

Author: ZooRillah

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust. Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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