Why Are There So Many More Acts Of Violence And Murder Popping Up In Kalamazoo?

So one would really have to question whether some people really even care what is going on around them. Yes, there are just as well as there are those who don’t, but have you even asked self why are there so many more acts of violence and murder popping up right now in Kalamazoo in certain areas? Got any idea or answers to that? I’ll wait……. Tic-tic na, better naught wait too long, because it would be like the saying: “Don’t hold your breath.” Anyway, can someone please tell me why? that’s what I said as the chorus on MC My D’s song called: “I Feel Like” just last year around about this time. But that’s naught what I want to address, I’m talking about the many issues popping up, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH KZOO WAKE UP!
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Since 2009 I’ve been touching on what is now becoming a reality. And that reality is and should be very clear to the one who is able to see, it’s the #BattleOftheMind. So much I am seeing nowadays is why, I am learning to be even more aware, focused and appreciative to and for why I went through what I went through at the time that I did. And though, I feel like there are some people who are close who try to make me feel as if I am crazy, and I’m lost, have changed and don’t know what I’m talking about, I have come to realize that, even that can tend to be a distraction if you let it. I used to look at it saying to self: “Damn, maybe they are right, maybe I should go back to the old me, maybe I should lighten up a bit, and be more tolerable to much of what is accepted.” But then the creator tends to remind me, to remember and keep striving to stay on track and on course.
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“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
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And then as years have went by, and I’ve watched a lot of what I knew many years prior to come to manifest right before my eye’s, they wonder why I am the way I am, naught surprised at what we are seeing In These Day’z Of Tyme, and try to be the straight opposite.
Example? Look at the murders, and violence being demonstrated naught just all around the world, but right now, I’m more concerned about where I am, which is the united States (supposed to be for northern America). Right here in one of the greatest historical States Michigan, and Kalamazoo in itself also carries it’s good, bad and ugly as well. But now there has really been a lot of major issues going on than ever before that many are just looking at to be just some ordinary acts of stupidity going on in Kalamazoo. The Truth is is that, we are faced with truth that is also mixed with a bunch of bullshhhh…. lies, as well as possibly things that have a darker root and to make it much worse you have those who are naught making it any better by doing some of the shhh… that they are doing by the praising and promoting of nonsense but yet wonder why?
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So when I look at all of this, it really tends to take a heavy tote by the weighing on of ones mind, spirit and soul. But lately what I have come to see is this: “No matter what and or how I may see things, and no matter how much I may show by my actions to truly care, and no matter how bad I may want those who are close to me, to see, realize and recognize how important it is to know what we are dealing with and up against, I CAN NAUGHT, SHOULD NAUGHT AND WILL NAUGHT force what and how I may see things to be on someone else.”
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Why? Because that is part of that FREEDOM AND FREEWILL that many are talking about right now that is being attacked. We are in a time and age where the forcing of something that should already be on one’s heart to do should naught have to take place, and that’s on Rilla. And I knew this, but I’ve found self to be a bit more OVER CARING about other people always have, and what they might be going through, and me being me, I know how it is to really go through shhh… especially mentally. So, I tend to go out of my way to help those who in the end have a helluva way of showing their appreciation and gratitude, but I also know that, where there are those who show to be ungrateful and unappreciative there are those who do and this is why, and where my time and art through my creative workings in my music comes to play. The investing of ones time used as wisely as possible is what my main focus should be, because time wasted on something and or some people who don’t feel the need to change for better, who mean you no good nor want to see you prosper, grow and or elevate tends to be really nothing more than just something that one needs to come to reckoning with instead of being one naught being able to see how important purpose is, and start paying more attention when it comes to this life.
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“To everything there is a season, and with season comes time, and in time also waits a purpose under the heavens.”
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Is this true? Maybe, maybe naught, but what matters is is whether one is able to see and get something out of what is being said, sent and or delivered. So with my music, videos and thoughts alone. Whether it be through a post sent threw y’all favorite social spots like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube etc. It is part of the battle in itself, and this is what I am now able to see even more clearer now, and why I now have to work even harder to naught allow and accept certain things. What I offer is what I offer, and deliver to those who are seeking, because anything else is a possible distraction. Throughout the years, I have and still am showing to do what was asked of us all, but I am only responsible for my part in doing so, and rather than just talk about it, I have to keep the fire lit, and burning like the torch carried in a marathon and let my talk, creative music, video work and actions show.
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I may look to some as if what I choose to do means nothing, and has no effect, but it does as far as the whole music game and what and how I choose to bring it naught be fit in they’re eye’s and mind, but that is their opinion and depends on the receiver. How others want me to look, act and or even do things may naught be the way they want, but that again is their opinion. But one thing we do know is that, I bring whatever I do like no other. I refuse to be labeled as just another black a** nigga, rapper, who is good for nothing, can’t think, non educated, just another carbon copy THUG, HOODLUM, watered down , clown, fake, snake and can be and bring nothing more than who and what SOCIETY and any other race identifies and sees me to be, which is what many show to project, and make those who try to label you as such be seen to be right in their way of seeing our people, and I’m good on that shhh… y’all can have it.
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Trying to get me to feel as if I have no other means of being no more than what they put out for me to promote self as, which is a drug dealing, killer and deadbeat shuck and jive a** punk who glorifies and can’t find a way to reach beyond what they put out for us on these streets, yea the streets that clearly shows to give a damn less about you or me, hoping it too shall continue to keep one forever blind, lost and in the end guess who paying the biggest price? Na, I’m good on all that, y’all want it you can have it.
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As a man who is on a mission and has a vision, and won’t be denied, and knows that this is way bigger, deeper and darker. I just gotta do what I feel and know is best, and naught really saying f*** the rest, but just staying on top of my own business, because people are going to either recognize, and see and want to be for you or against you, but in the end this is choice, because they can see, and know and want to see you grow. ask self: “Why does it seem as if all of the darker, ugly horrible minded demonic twisted things projected are being pushed the most and by who?
Black on Black crime is a major problem in many communities, and our people are seen to be the BIGGEST PROMOTERS of the many things that are showing to be a part of our destruction, and being used to program and destroy one another. Is this true? Ask yourself, and figure it out, because even when you show the possible truth people gone choose to see what they wanna see anyway, and that’s real.

Mistake my walk and thoughts naught, because no one can tell me, I don’t understand or know how it is, because I think that the one who goes through what they have already went through is and can be seen as the living truth right? And if this is true then you think that as a recording artist representing for Kalamazoo, Michigan, I won’t stand on truth in this music shhh…?
I don’t do what I do for fun, and everything isn’t funny nor a joke, but some tend to show and think that it is until tragedy strikes, and now people want to know, yea be nosy just so they can say that they know for gossiping purposes, but that’s the world the we are living in like it or naught, but you do naught have to accept it, Am I lying?
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Anyways, I’m done with this one, I just wanted to express that, and promote the video above in hopes that it will get your attention, and get your mind warned up and ready for the CD, which I am finishing up. There is another one that was supposed to come before the battle Of the Mind CD, which is called: “Certified,” but I think it’s a need to get this Battle Of the Mind out first. So reader what are your thoughts on what I just typed? If you’re from Kalamazoo, in Kalamazoo and or are in Michigan I welcome you to engage with me, and comment below, like and share this with others especially family and see what they think.
And though you might naught agree and don’t like what I have to say doesn’t mean that they might naught see and agree, so please don’t keep what I have to say and offer from them especially the children. And let me make this clear, this is naught about me, this is about me just placing the possible in you face, and challenge you to say otherwise, but in the end hopefully we will be able to have a meeting of the minds and even learn from one another and start seeing how important it is to be more for those who are really showing to do the creator (God’s) work.
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“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”
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Hmmmm…. very interesting words right there. The showing of ones workings just may well present self as approved and worthy by naught being ashamed, and being diligent while handling of the word of truth correctly? Maybe, maybe naught. I’m just placing it #RightBe4UrEye’z in hopes to spark the mind. May you the reader find relevance in these thoughts for elevating you, Peace and blessings.
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When A Chief Speaks
Author: ZooRillah

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust. Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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