Can you imagine situations like this?
You ever run across certain Situations like this one in the video that eventually must be faced? I woke up this Friday morning: “All praises and gratitude expressed to the supreme Creator” for it. Putting out this quick post is a must this morning, and something I should’ve been done. But some of y’all know how I am when it comes to timely post. I appear to be so slow at times, but when I do, they’re put together pretty well would you say not?
Situations Like This
I Found the time to type and put-up this post as well as make a short creative video to go with it. Video’s I put together and upload to my YouTube channel is what I strive to do when able. To not only share with y’all here on my site, but also my subscribers over there too. So, here’s yet another GREAT post and video from yours truly. In the YouTube video below, I found myself doing something outside of the scope of some of what I actually do. And some of what I actually do is make awareness rap music.
The Situation Isn’t as Easy to Face as I Make it Look and Seem
The brake pads needed to be done, should’ve been done, and I showed to care enough to do it. Car/Truck brake replacement, it’s not as easy to deal with at all! Part replacement not only can be very time consuming, but also very costly! Situations like this eventually ends up reaching that crucial point in time.
The artist 4 the People attempted to do the necessary in hopes to help better the situation and was successful. Blessed to have a few things like money to get the brake pads and have the right tools. And can’t forget the skills to also do what needed to be done.
Where You Place Your Time, and With Who
Now, I can’t forget that there’s also a bigger reason to my why. Why I’m taking the time to even share my moments in time with y’all on this subject. Nothing like showing a woman how much she’s appreciated as woman. It’s not just about the replacing of brake pads for her, but the time taken and invested.
And you know what else, I probably saved her some money, headache, less worry, stress and TIME too right? #CanUimagine Something that I think she can appreciate what you think? Just my thoughts of the day, and She welcome.
When A Chief Speaks
Checkout this other GREAT post I found when it comes to my why.
Is There A Shortage Of Good Black Men?
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