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Why Subscribe. So your probably wondering: “Why should I join Your list Chief Adam the Great X? Well for one, because I am #TheArtist4thePeople, whether you are aware of it or not. Being connected with REAL people is very crucial, and beneficial on each end. Being able to have that source that is reliable and on point brings a since of relief.
At the same time you will be plenty to learn, and think about for the one who seeks. My reason for making a list is to be able to have a better balance, and control of the flow of information that I send out. Let’s be very up front and clear. Though knowledge and certain information should be available to all, it has proven time and time again.
How some of the people who we place our trust in tends to let us down, and down hard. Give you an example? Look at the whole Political and Religion thing, and this is just coming from my standpoint and or opinion.
Why Subscribe? I don’t get caught up in the whole opinion talk
It is not one’s religious beliefs that do the most damage, because religion itself is no more than just a tool. A spiritual way of educating oneself that helps you to find discipline, focus, and standing.” But instead, you have some nut jobs, wackos, Gurus, woke, enlightened so called truthers nuts who are on a mission. Not just out, but especially inside the WWW (World Wide Web).
You have those type who use knowledge as a tool in order to control you and deceive you. There’s a saying: “Man Makes Nation, Nation doesn’t Make A Man.” But I find that, in itself knowledge used can be like a double edged sword. Why? Because some of the teachings that you may learn in a nation will have some type of impact in molding you.
Anyway, not to get off track about why subscribe to my list, but having a list basically helps me to help my subscribers. Being able to better build with them and the ability to get to better know those who look to me for reasonable answers. It is also a way of showing me who’s who.
I can’t stress how important it is to reach those who are interested in what I have to offer. Whether it be through business; my creative art work, music, consultation, networking or what I have to say. I am am now finally finding out that, who I take the time out to cater to. It’s important for me, to know who I’m really connected with and why subscribe.
Motivated Through Your Time and Engagement
Whose engaging, and interacting helps me to do the work that I enjoy doing, and that’s helping someone. Helping someone out mentally if I can. And this is why it’s important for me to put list together. A list is a great way of being better organized, and it helps me to reach those who are looking for solutions.
Certain issues you may be having, you get to know that it’s not just about me. Like trying to get you to listen to my music and or even buy my music. But getting you to see that I’m bigger than the thought itself if it ever popped up in your head. That I’m just another rapper who trying to get on and or be seen or get famous no, that is not the case.
Just by reading this post, you can see that I am living up to my slogan as #TheArtist4thePeople. As a rap artist in my own unique way. I paint the picture for you, so that you can think about what I am saying. Then either take action, or just act as if I’m just the crazy man, rapper, attention seeker. Or just bored out my mind Niggracon who just talking to be heard, and need the social networks to do so.
Is that who you see me to be?
I hope not, but some do, so I have to do something about that. It is not up to me, to force change unto you, but equalize your mind. In hopes that you will be able to gain something from what I will be sending. Only to those who have taken the time to subscribe to my Knowledge Rap and Awareness Newsletter.
Receive Personal Updates From the Great X
Receiving updates and special offers, FREE STUFF you know how people just love free, music downloads and opportunities. To be able to obtain vital information that may help you in time. No scare tactic stuff coming from me, just to get your email spam scam stuff. I’m one of the as real as it gets, and it is not an agenda to get you reeled in.
I’m just trying to do what is upright and just in the eye’s of the Supreme creator and the universe. Just trying to give back just as I was given. So with that being said; here is your opportunity to get connected with me. Because soon, I will not be dealing with everyone especially on these social network site.
Why subscribe? You have a lot of folks out here who just loosing their damn minds. Why? Because In These Dayz of Tyme there is so much going on and so much information that has truth mixed with lies. That in itself can be really frustrating and stressful on you when your trying to learn, trust me I know. Which then causes one to make some very critical errors, and put yourself in a position to be mislead and deceived.
So, with that all being said why subscribe to this artist’s list? Why not.
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Click the picture above, and you will be directed to my sign up form, you will get a email, which then all you need to do is follow the detailed very simple instructions, and your in. So what are you waiting for? Get better connected with #TheArtist4thePeople who has #Gods4lo. I look forward to helping you out if I can, but you must first look towards helping your self when your SELF is in dire distress and need of being elevated, God bless.
When a Chief Speaks
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