Kalamazoo Is Spiritual Rap Artist Still Relevant?
Kalamazoo rap artist is told that his music is spiritual
There was a email that I received today that I really did not expect from a fan that expressed some really interesting thoughts about Chief Adam the Great’s Music 4 the Mind. Lately, I’ve been really going through battles that I am no stranger to In these Dayz of Tyme. And though I feel all alone in this battle. I tend to get reminders that, even though I may not feel appreciated by those who are close, and who I expect to do so, but appears not too, I am sent messages from and or through people who are not close to me, letting me know that, what I do, and all that I do is actually appreciated more than I give and or get credit for.
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I went to check my email to look for something else, and this message was there, I didn’t know what to expect, and nor did I expect to read what I read until I did, and I was just like WOW!!! I don’t have to retype what you can actually see for yourself below. What this fan of music 4 the mind had to say really hit home today. Spiritual Moment was his experience, and that alone really had a very deep impact on me today.
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Earlier I had a conversation with someone close about how important it is to be honest, and to have good communication skills. I was continually accused of not being reasonable, and that I spend so much time pointing out someone Else’s flaws, mistakes and what they needed to work on instead of addressing what I needed to work on when it comes to self.
Now, I know that I am far from perfect, and at times I can be a handful, but to be told this was like a slap in the face, because I can expect those type of thoughts to come from someone who doesn’t know anything about me, but when it comes from those who are close and not only know but SEE, what I’ve been through and am continuing to go threw that is what hurts the most. To be told that I need to do the things that I have and am actually showing through my actions speaks numbers in itself.
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So then I get this email, and for me, I and the way I think, it can be nothing but the Creator speaking threw an actual stranger who I know nothing about, and not only that, but this is my first time even seeing anything come from him, and to know that my thoughts within my music and creativity moves someone in such a way, I can do nothing but give all praise, glory and appreciations to the Creator (God) for conformation that the work I am producing is acceptable in ones eyes and the universe.
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So I thought I’d share this to say and show that, even though there is a lot of negativity going on as far as RACIAL TENSIONS, and the ugly image of RAP and Hip Hop that is being reflected and promoted through those who are being paid to do, and I can’t forget the spiritual Holy War that is going on; this right here is proof that one has the power to make the necessary changes by ones own choice and freewill to take it upon themselves to analyze the situations that are at hand and use what one possesses as far as their knowledge and education to bring things back into a better balance, and the only way one can do this is to find the strength to be able to do so, and the only who knows the situation better than any is the source, and that source is the ONE.
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To watch a video click the picture below.
I may not put out as far as a whole lot of massive content when it comes to my blog post like I should, but when I do, I always try to bring something that will hopefully give the people who may visit and read my post something to think about. This music 4 the mind that I create is not only therapy for me, but also for the mentally Ill and disordered. Music is an art, an expression, a way being able to paint the picture, and tell the story by narration.
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To be able to be the voice, image and vessel that carries the messages that the Creator (God) sends through the inspired. The scriptures within the Holy Bible and the Qur’an gives one an idea of what and how one should use these teachings to not force upon someone, but to help one by giving one something that is Divine to use as a tool to elevate ones mind state in order to see the bigger picture.
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Anyhow, I wanted to share my experience today with those whom this post may reach, and know that when I say I am #TheArtist4thePeople I mean that, and the proof is right above. When you have people like the ones who support my work by just communicating the affect that my music has on them, and effecting them in a more constructive and uplifting way than the lowering. Well, thanks it for now, be sure to check out my music for yourself if you already, and leave a your feedback on your experience with music 4 the mind. Peace and many blessings.
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