Rap Artist Creates The Difference Between The Rap And Hip Hop Cultures

What You See Is Not Always What You Get If You Don’t Want It

So tell me, what do you see? when you take a good focused look at the image in the above video? What is the first thing that comes to mind? Is the first thought right off the back a good one? Be honest. I am asking this question, because I’m showing you, the visitor of this site, and or reader of this post how important you are, and how much your thoughts count when it comes to the culture of Rap and Hip Hop. how important it is for you, the listener to pay attention to what you see, and listen to especially in these day’s of time where the truth is now stranger than fiction.

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I’m not going to spend a lot of time on this topic, and its far more to it than me just wanting to get your attention for the purpose of being looked at as just another rapper trying to get on, be seen and get a record deal. My purpose is based on of my mission, and that is to reach one, to teach one by helping my audience to see, and know why I do what I do when it comes to making and producing music. But not only that, I have been gifted and given a particular type of authority granted by our supreme Creator to take on a task by my own freewill to do better with what has been given to me, than to misuse, abuse and be irresponsible with powers that would either help or hinder, heal or destroy. When you know you possess these powers (Co-Creator), it is up to you to figure out how they will be used no matter what form of art you are using it with.

So what would be an example of this certain power? Well, let me now direct you back to the image/video above, and then analyze what I mean. see, we all know how the rap culture has been, and is being used and misused for the sake of the promotion and glorifying of money, fame and material things. Have we not seen this picture before? How many rappers verbally sold you a dream by illusion? Trickery right? Well, who told us to fall for it? Was a gun placed to our head and made to? And it gets deeper, but my point is, is that we as consumers and listeners of the different music we listen are the ones who make or break the so-called BOSSES in rap and hip hop you know why? Because without us supporting their visions, ideas, and works they can no longer feed off your energy, and power that helps them gain off you, profit and even be controlled without you even being aware of the means of control that is being placed upon your mind.

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So, here’s the deal when it comes to me, and what I place on the table and contribute to the rap and hip hop culture/game. What I bring to the game is what has always been here, but I’m just the one to bring it in a whole new and different way, and on an advanced level. See, when it comes to my style of flow, creativity and production, I refuse to allow myself to be boxed in and or a label placed upon me that I choose to either accept or not accept. When I’m asked the question: “what type of music do you do?” My answer is… I am a creative artist with the abilities to be universal, but I am more of a rap artist, and that is for a reason. I don’t claim to be a hip hop artist, but I possess the ability to do it, and do it well when I need to, it just all depends on the mood, and what project is at hand. My aim is to show people who see how watered down the rap and hip hop game has become; that all is not lost, every artist is not subject to following what is trendy and clone like.

Every rap and or hip hop artist is not selling out, and every artist doesn’t have to wave money and promote death in order to be seen as a good and or great recording artist. Temptation is real people, and its being used at a high frequency and they are using you to get away with the destroying process. I know some who listen to my work probably say: “how can he say he’s a man and artist of God and for the people when his music sounds hardcore? He curses, and he says things that are not of God” And you know what, for some in their mind that’s how they feel, and it is not my responsibility to force them to change how they may feel, but there are others who see and hear otherwise, and feel totally opposite, because for some something that I might say may make a whole lot of sense to them, and may even help them in some type of way.

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Meaning; if I speak through my music and no matter what was and is said that one may agree or disagree with was there something that one could take with a grain of salt and think about, and or even use to help them mentally in some type of way? What I give is the good, bad and ugly possibilities of what we all may go through, what we all may face on our own paths in this life. My path is my path just like yours is yours, but we all should be reaching through elevation of our mind by thought. When I speak on scriptures in the Holy Bible, and utilize them within my artwork, am I now doing what was asked of me?

John 15:26-27 “When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father— the Spirit of Truth, who comes from the Father—he will testify on my behalf. You will testify also, because you have been with me from the beginning.”

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Now am I wrong for feeling as if I was deemed qualified for the task at hand? A helper that will come who is sent from the father who will possess the Spirit of Truth who will testify? Well, in my music, I testify, and when I’m not doing music, I testify. and what is the testimonies? Change. The change and transformation that can be seen through ones actions, and deeds. being put through the fire of life, and throughout ones obstacles and trials only you know who you called to for help in your time of need,and when in your darkest hours in life. All my life I’ve been going through ups and downs, the battle of the mind, and then I came to a point in my life where I just got tired of doing it my way and all by myself so I called for help.
And when I finally was able to see what was really going on, I knew then that sacrifices were mandatory. I have many stories to how God guided me through as my co-pilot. Life and death experiences that many don’t make it through or come back from. And that there alone is what you can expect to hear coming from this artist like it or not. To each its own, and I am not put in position to force my thoughts nor change on anyone, my only job is to help guide you in hopes that you make better choices than I did in my time.
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 I wish that I had a dad/earthly father like me, who does what I do, and was there for me MENTALLY, and that alone is what is missing in many children’s lives right now. The teachers of your children are those who they emulate on TV, and entertainment. there is nothing wrong with neither if you help your child better understand and monitor what they are watching and communicate with them about things that way they can know the difference and make better decisions and choices early in certain situations. It is our responsibility to teach, govern and help them gain proper balance. Allowing them to just learn on their own is like throwing them out to the wolves.
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 Anyhow, I’m going to end this post on this note, and I hope that you are able to gain something from this post as well as any of the other ones I’ve posted. I would love to read your comments if you choose to engage. Hope to hear y’all soon, and remember; the change that we want to see in this world first starts with us peace and many blessings any questions feel free to use the comment box below and or subscribe in order to be plugged with updates before anyone else. So much more to come so stay tuned. Like and share, I would really appreciate it.
Author: ZooRillah

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust. Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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