When Does A Black Life Really Matter?

Certain Questions Are being Dodged, And Naught Answered

So, in the video below, I walk it rough through “Kalamazoo,” and decided to try out this whole “Going Facebook Live” and what’s the big deal that clearly has many black people so excited and happy about it to where it’s like good dope to them, and even something to die for? 😯
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You know, the ones who have been known to go live, and then get killed while doing it. I also raise the bar by asking some real thought/talk questions to think about where one must raise the question to when doe’s a black life really matter? When does Black Lives Really Matter?
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I ask when did my life matter to anyone of my so-called friends on Facebook only to naught even be worth a wave, thumb, laugh and or “Kiss my A**” 😛 Why? Maybe what I’m kicking is naught the truth? Maybe it’s a figure of my imagination, and I’m exaggerating? Does it bother me? It does, but then it doesn’t.

As #TheArtist4thePeople I strive to #GiveIt2EmRaw with my thoughts, your views, and to prove otherwise on whatever you feel the need to beg to differ. I find it naught interesting to how you have our people (Black People) out here who raging on, and screaming one thing, but clearly showing to do and project another, but complain about what the police, the government and these Caucasians doing to black people, but in the same breath turning a blind eye to what one clearly shows to be what it really is.

And how some really feel for and about one another, which is what is actually what you see #RightBe4UrEyez, and guess what? Is this what black people are showing to root for, and praise?

By all means please make an attempt to correct me where ever one can find anything said to naught be the possible truth of the matter by fact, naught fiction. So, are black people showing to make Un excusable excuses to do what they do, and betray one another?Be brave to call it for what it is, naught what and for what you feel is in, and a new trend.

Our so-called people fight for, and will show more love, compassion, affection, support and die for all of the causes of other races, nationalities, and quick to claim, but yet show to do just the opposite towards those of kin, friends and immediate family, so lemme ask when does this matter really matter?

When a Chief Speaks

Author: ZooRillah

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust. Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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