Know Who Shows To Be Against Than For You

I find it to be as clear as day to how you’ll have those who say that, they are for you, but turn right around and show by their ways in acts and thoughts to be totally opposite to what they claim and say. But what I’ve come to realize is that, this is something that may need to happen, and whether you want it, and or feel you have to deal with it or naught, it has to happen. Why? maybe because one needs to experience the moment in order to know who and what you are dealing with when it comes to people nowadays. It is being proven that, though you really have to trust somebody; there are those who are showing to make that very hard to do, and this is where I think the whole: “Trust None, and no one” slogan comes into play.


But oon Rilla, do you really want to have to feel as if you have to go throughout life feel as if you can trust no one and or anybody? I mean seriously, it can be challenged that, when it comes to real life we all need somebody, and do depend on people when we are in need, but quick to say that we are handling it all by ourselves. But the question that one should ask self is… are you really? What I’m starting to see is that, people are running around and thinking that it’s okay to breach the trust that people put in them. This is a problem, and it’s going on all around us. I think that people are literally being programmed to think that it’s cool to mess over people, downplay and betray people and do it without a care in the world that they are doing something either in a conscious or unconscious state of mind.

Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.” Psalms 37

Now, clearly is this what you see, or are people doing just the opposite? People will pretend to show to be for you for whatever the intent maybe, and then turn right around and flip the script oon you, and now you’re hurt, disappointed and trying to figure out why? And then you have those who feel like since you’ve been done so wrong by people that, now you find self oon the vengeful tip and now you show to start to projecting the same that you feel you received onto others. You ca naught tell nor convince me, that people are naught committing these acts against one another and this is done without a second thought. And guess who tends to do it the most? Family, and they tend to be the worse, and I know this as a fact and this is why I decided to make this the subject post for today.


To make it clear that, I can relate on so many levels that it ain’t even funny. You have those who be talking about kicking the truth, and knowledge and even history. But these same type fail miserably, because they themselves show to suffer in lacking to accept the truth whatever those truths may be. So is this acceptable now or has it ever been for people to pretend just to, play, betray, turn on you, and show no sense of will to see? Admit when you’re wrong and just come correct by just coming clean with those by just seeing where you might have been wrong in a situation and work towards making it right.

That’s what we as people no matter the race, color, creed and nationality you are. Why complain when you are showing to project the same if naught just as bad, but possibly even worse? Whether you like it, or naught it has to happen so that you’ll know. Know what? Know the difference when it comes to dealing with people In These Day’s of Time.

So that’s it for this one. I’m making some changes to where I’m considering on shortening up the length in words typed on my posts. I have to consider that people have short attention spans, and really aren’t into doing a lot of reading. So, I will be working on shorting up the word count in my future post. But this is for those who like to read interesting thoughts, and enjoy the content I post. I encourage you, the reader whomever you may be to take a very deep and in-depth look at what I am saying, and then ask yourself: “Is this really going on?” And if so, how do you deal with it.


Sure, you can easily say just don’t deal. But, some things you just may well have to deal with. Why? Because how can you know, learn from and make a clearer decision on naught doing the same? How can you yourself learn and elevate without seeing why you shouldn’t? Know who you are investing your time and trust in. Why? Are they truly worthy? Or, they showing by their acts and ways to be seen as otherwise? because complaining about it, and making it be seen as just the norm; especially among-st Black people makes you just as wrong for naght striving to correct the error. 

When a Chief Speaks

Just the #ThoughtsofaRisingLeader



Author: ZooRillah

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust. Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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