I know that there are those of you who think that the whole Ecstasy Line (Ex-Train) thing that goes on in Kalamazoo is something fresh and new, but is it? Well, if you know as I know, and come from my days in time you would know that it’s naught. But there are those who don’t know, so I thought I’d touch on it a bit.
So, what is the Ecstasy Line (X Train)? It’s basically a modern version to what many of those street katts from back in day use to do. They would form lines in their hot rides after the club, and mob thru the zoo, and Spring Valley. One of the famous slogans for this line was called: (Doing the Loc). And those who are from this era know that that stands as truth.
So now decades later, you have these children of some of those from back in the day who are now growing up, and now you have what I call repeat of events of history. You have people children out in these streets doing what was once done, but on a whole new level, and an effective one, but in a more negative way.
How? You don’t have to take my word for it, you just look at the facts to the matter, and that the results, and impact that has been laid, and see it for what it is, and naught fool yourself. It’s naught what you do, but how you do it, and when it has no good intent behind it, it ends up eventually being viewed, and looked at as more nonsense, people involved especially your (children) eventually are made examples of and then falling off like bad dope.
So, I’ll say it again; this Ecstasy Line (X Train) is something that was adopted from something already done back in the day and just renamed and nothing more than just something looked at by your children to be cool to do while hanging out with their friends, and family enjoying themselves while coming through the hood in the zoo.
But naught only that, and what many of you are trying to dodge is the fact that, this is the promoting of and named after a man-made substance “Ecstasy“ is it naught? This new way of coming through the zoo has a negative effect, and impact, and the reality is that it has done more damage than good. People have been hurt, done went to jail, killed and people’s property has been damaged. Why? Go figure, ask yourself, but I’m pretty sure that ya know.
And let’s naught forget the lives lost, affected, those who done went to prison and lives disturbed due to the noise, busting of liquor bottles in the streets, and I can go on. By whom? I think you know the answer. Now if I’m fabricating then by all means correct me, but this is the clear truth on naught what I can see, but you too can see if your being real with self.
You just can naught expect to see, know and receive what one say’s that one needs, and wants if we allow ourselves to accept the Un acceptable, condoning, and or participating in the acts, and things that we know are a part of the cause in naught being able to see better, and rise beyond the madness that we see going on within the communities that one occupies, which are problems created due to what?
You have those people who keep raging on about we need, but naught realize that that need first starts naught without first starting at the root of the problem. “Fact” I can’t help but recall when I was one who was so fed up with the fact that, I had to come outside, and clean up broken glass in the street to prevent self or anyone else from getting a flat tire to the point where, I heard I think Buddy Hanna talking about it on the radio station, and I decided to call in and address it, and had my say on it. And naught only that, but then decided to get with my partner in rhyme MC My D and came up with a song on this topic called: “Why.” (Y)
See, the thing about it, I been addressing these issues, and we been touching on these things in our musical work for some time now. For us as Musicians/recording artist and music producers who #GiveIt2EmRaw for Kalamazoo, and for any other city and state; this is what and how we choose to reach back by bringing awareness in hopes to better enlighten our peers and those listeners of our creative musical work as ZooRillaz.
Guys who been through it, and know the real lifestyle of the street, and hood life. See here’s the thing; we been Livin’ Oon the Edge, we been through much of the obstacles that are now faced and praised by y’all children, and at one time we too praised it, but we made changes, and sacrifices to be who and where we are today, so we have no interest in knocking anyone for the choices they make, but don’t expect total agreement with things that show to naught be in alignment with ones cause.
Our only mission is to keep working towards giving back, by showing hope and exercising being the good recording artist’s that we need to be. To be good delivers of the word. And though you have those who would rather make attempts to mock, and secretly bite the style and parade on with this whole big I, little U messy mindedness as if what we strive to do is naught good enough and relevant with intent.
I don’t hate to inform you, but we continue to stay relevant, and as long as the creator (God) continues to help us on the mission in our real struggles to put music for the mind out we won’t be denied. What we do, and how we do it shall be done like no other, and we bow to none. The ones who call themselves doing any better is no more than a boaster.
“For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, Un thankful, and unholy.”
Now what does that tell you. I think you see many of those type don’t ya? also mentioning the fact to how those who say that they are for the good and change for Kalamazoo, and for unity, but at the same time show otherwise by trying to under play, undermine and try to say slick shhh…. in reference to the light bringer for the Zoo?
Anyway, I just let that work do the talking, and after, and or if you decide to take a listen to the song above “Why” (Y) I leave it to you, the readers, visitors and listeners to decide especially those of you who are living in Kalamazoo and can relate to this post. And please keep this in mind. If y’all don’t handle your children by taking the time these people will or the streets will claim their life, I’m out.
Leave a comment below, pros or cons and if there’s truth found in the song.
It’s naught just about us, we just want to know what you got if you got anything, and I’ll leave it at that. Good day to those who are able to see.
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