Rap Artist for Kalamazoo

You have artists who say that they’re doing Hip Hop, and then you have those who say they’re doing rap. I mean both are two different genres right? But do those who say really knowthat’s my question. And I would say yes for some and no for others.
Some say Hip Hop because that’s what is shown and said the most. So they just go on with what they’re favorites are rolling with, and one would have to respect that. Based off of ones choice, there is no problem there, but, I think that many actually don’t know, and just running with the title, so that’s where the listener comes into play.
Rap artist for Kalamazoo
So, the video I would like for y’all “The People” and listeners to watch and tell me what you think. What this rap artist for Kalamazoo is kicking, is it different? Am I coming unique? Am I showing to be creative and different from what you are listening to nowadays? Giving you something to think about?
Just bringing something new to this rap music game by breaking barriers and serving something that keeps the fire burning for rap. Any major mainstream favorite artist you see me working with? Haven’t collaborated with any major names in the game, but I think if I did, it would blazing hot! And get this, I’m so not into my self that.
I actually drop some names of those just to show how much love and respect I have for this rap. And Hip Hop too, I just don’t really do Hip Hop, I deliver rap. I don’t do this just because and for me, I do it for those who put it down before me. I just picked up the torch whether they left it for me, to carry or not.
I’m carrying it, and I think that I’m carrying it pretty damn well if I do say so my self. A lot of copy catting and cloning going on, but to each it’s own. I know what I know, and there is no biting here, like others have they’re favorites, I have mine. And they’re rap artist who I actually was listening to when I was running the streets heavy.
When it comes to other recording artist
And though, I was listening to many who were from different sides. When I traveled back and fourth to Chicago. Bought and supported some of the locals from the underground there. And also those who made a break through into the major music realm, but that was my choice.
But, that’s not all, as a rap artist for Kalamazoo I also supported and drop some very well known artists and music producers names too. Some who been going hard for Kalamazoo, and who are still doing they’re thing. That’s just the type of artist that I am. So who are these artist? I’m not gone say place names on the post, but they are in the song and video.
This is my way of showing how much I appreciate the work of certain recording artist. Why? Because for me, it’s bigger than just being a fan, I’m a student of this art, and I listen well. But don’t get me twisted, because, I’m also a teacher, just in my own way.
Give credit to when it’s due
You have those who are drawn into carrying the torch for some of the famous mainstrean majors and very influential. When it comes to the cultural title Hip Hop, one of my questions is: “Do some really know?” To whether they know that there is a difference, or is it? Or, are they saying it just because, it is many, many rap and hip hop artist not only in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
All throughout the United states of America, and other countries are getting in on it too. Anyway, I’m just giving credit to some where it’s due, and yes there are others, catch my thoughs in another post. I hope that y’all will enjoy what I’m bringing to this saturated music game. And I would appreciate your like and following of my work on and off line.
Here some familiar names that ring a bell? See what they might have to say about this post by tag’em through tweet, post and share etc. Leave a comment below for a decent debate/discussion on this, and feel free to ask any questions. I’m setting it off, it’s time to set the record straight. Rap Vs Hip Hop make no mistake, and remember who said it.
When A Chief Speaks
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