They Holler Foul But Doing the Fouling

You know, it’s naught funny but merely just more and more for one’s own awareness to see how it shows to be very clear that. Some of the same ones that you see online and offline screaming, complaining and ranting on about racism, racial hate, racial discrimination and how people’s rights are being violated show to clearly be some of the same ones who are either involved and or are showing signs to demonstrate some of those same acts and ways of those who they accuse are doing it.

I can naught and will naught make this shhh… up. You have people out here b******* about the same shhh… that they show to be doing to others. Say, see, feel and think however you want about it, but the shhh… is super true. You have people who are out here doing and thinking that it’s cool to be oon this messy minded mission to project and promote the nonsense, but then, trying to cover up the fact that, they are doing it themselves. Am I lying? You don’t want your freedoms, and rights infringed on, violated, dishonored and or disregarded, but you show to invest and force your wants and will upon people, and do it to them why is that?


I’ve asked these questions some years ago, and I guess I’ll ask it again since it’s clearly relevant and applies to exactly what I am posting about:

“Is racial discrimination and hate able to be seen to be possible when it comes to your own race of people (Black People?)”

Is it naught true that, our so-called race of people are a people who show to make the most un-excusable excuses to tear-down, belittle, disrespect, make fun of, try to intimidate (Bully) and assassinate one’s character all while so eager to promote dumb, deaf and blind mindedness hurtful things (Thoughts), which is a part of the plan just for a temporary feel good just to make them appear to be better and smarter type of high?

Black people get highly upset, and mad when you call them out on the messy mindedness and point out the messed up and stupid shhh…. that other black people be doing and only doing it as to defend the whole color itself rather than the “being” who will show by their ways and actions to who and what they truly stand for. Who the f*** has time for it? Why even try to engage with people who show to be comfortable with the toxic mind state? Showing nothing but attitudes, and ego clashing and flare ups against your own means…….. nothing because what is it solving and helping? Exactly, nothing.



And you want to know what else? One of the biggest “cop-outs” that I’ve noticed is that; as soon as black people are shown to be doing some shhhh….. that they probably shouldn’t be doing and get caught and called on it. Here comes the “Defend the Possible Nonsense Calvery”, and guess what their famous excuse is? “Oh, well (White People) do it!” Guess what? Yep, Caucasians do, but what does that have to do with you and yours? You show to be so concerned about, and focused on the wrong people, and the wrong shhh… that you can’t even see straight.

Instead of being more concerned with connecting and correcting your own people, you have these “MIND AND THOUGHT INVADERS” out here among-st us who are more worried about being seen to be JUST AS BAD IF NOT WORSE than those who you feel like always getting away with shhh…. STOP IT!

Meaning….. you clearly show naught to be any better than the ones who already know that they show to be worse. So, tell me, how does it feel to know, and show that, you have learned and are conditioned so well to be seen in the image of your oppressor? 😎 Act like your fed up, quit making excuses to self-destruct and wake up or stay sleep, seems like a choice to me. Beyond Kanye West’s freedom of expression, but with respect to is shown. Break the Chains, because some of you just show to naught be as trustworthy. The Artist4thePeople is coming. 😉

When A Chief Speaks


Author: ZooRillah

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust. Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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