What Does It Mean To Put It All In G-d’s Hands

So I did a post earlier, which you can clearly see above. I also know how there will be those who shall beg to differ, see and feel otherwise. And there will also be those who just may assume, and or even just might show to be brave enough to just ask why. So why would I say such? Why would someone (Such As Self) say how much he loves and appreciates the Almighty Most High Supreme Being Creator.

But also tends to make it very clear by also showing it, FACT. So where am I going with this you, the possible brave reader may ask. Well, I tend to say and do things; things that may or may naught set well with some in mind. But that I say is just the Rebel in me, to say what many won’t show the courage to say, and stand on it.

I try to stress the importance of naught just taking what someone may say and just run off with it (Assumption Land) because you just never know when G-d is working, especially through possible workers of the divine love and light of what was sent, which clearly was the words set on the minds and hearts of those all while possibly working through those way before you, and I? Guess that’s naught possible either huh.

“For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of G-d which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually work-eth also in you that believe.” Thessalonians 2:13

So what do I mean by what is stated in the picture above? It means….. That I know as well as y’all know that, those two sayings have and are said by many. And I personally feel that though the two are (True) those two sayings are naught what I question, I question those who tend to loosely use the sayings because it sounds real good whenever folks see it fit do they naught?

Yes, when there are situations that one faces in life that tend to be a bit more than one can bear to handle on their own. Is when you just may have to call on the one who has shown to never forsake those who show to 👉 (Do their part) in life.

“Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” Jeremiah 33:3

Now, here’s my point. Sense you have those who feel so strongly about the two sayings; oneself would have to ask: “If You’re putting it all on G-d, and letting G-d handle it, then what will you be doing nothing?” Still don’t get it? When you truly know the power of G-d, then you also should know that G-d can and will handle it all. Meaning…. That G-d doesn’t need you then right?

“G-d doesn’t need us. Which could possibly mean…. the Almighty Father of time  wants us, chooses us, and desires us.”

Do you really think that it’s fine to feel like you can put it ALL on G-d, but you see no importance to how you also have a responsibility, and duty to naught just self and others, but also certain request, and even commandments to work towards fulfilling that will be appreciated by G-d, but you show to do what?

I find it quite interestingly “Selfish” for those who feel like it’s cool and okay to put it all on G-d, and depend on God to solve all the problems YOU created, but yet naught even think about working towards solving these problems, and breaking those barriers by using what was sent that may help you with burdens that become so heavy, that they tend to just weigh on you to the point now you just want them all to go away.

Yep, this is when you put it all in G-d’s hands and let G-d takeover and handle it. But did it naught once occur to the one who quickly undermines, goes against, assumes and totally discredits those who challenge you, to why? Why someone feels the way they feel is that naught important? See, that is a part of why so much of what we are seeing is happening in the world #InTheseDayzofTyme. Programming people to do everything OPPOSITE to some of the basic things that were asked of you.

Do you even know why I even bother to ask why? Ask self why questions are asked first before you just shoot out an opinion to things, because you better know that I’m naught the only one who is asking questions, G-d asks them and Jesus/Yahshuah did too. You think G-d doesn’t feel and know? Think again my friends.


Now, for those who still don’t get where I might be coming from and why. This is merely for those who really truly want and desire to know why, and how does any of it possibly apply. Are you going to lean more towards your own understanding? Or, will you truly just think about all that you have read.

End-note, some things have to happen in order for you to see a little more of what you may need to see, and know. Be it through certain things and situations in life.

Or, just thoughts coming from people you least expect who may say things that will either offend you, be taken wrong, and or just a failure to respect how others feel if it’s reasonable. No one knows someone else’s walk and struggles in life. Isn’t that why we all should be learning from one another no matter wrong or right?

When A Chief Speaks Knowledge And Music

Author: ZooRillah

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust. Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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